One trick is to know you have sexy underwear on. Not thongs or whatever, just sexy feminine undergarments. Let it be just your little secret. The trick is to be more of a girly girl while still remaining your confident self. Being girly or boyish comes from within so it does not really matter what you wear if your attitude and behaviour do not match.
It's easy to fall into the trap of wearing the same clothes over and over - usually the ones that need the least ironing and are the easiest to wash. Once a month, rediscover all those clothes that have got pushed to the back of the wardrobe. Handwash your delicates then iron and hang everything up. Take a few minutes to look at potential new combinations - go on, it's nearly as exciting as buying something new. Even better mix n match with a friend or sister!
Arrange your wardrobe so all your skirts are together, your shirts, trousers and dresses. That way, when you are in a T-shirt mood, all your Ts will be on offer and not just the ones lucky enough not to have been buried at the bottom of the ironing pile. With a greater range of ready-to-wear clothes on offer, you'll feel better about yourself every morning because you won't be rushing around like a mad woman.
Remember that life is for a woman to live with a man and to raise children together. Remember that a major part of life, being a home maker and mother. So many women have been robbed of their femininity in the world of today; you are not the only one.
The deepest change towards feeling more feminine is to seriously rethink feminism. You are most likely what they term 3rd wave feminist generation. I am first. There are things that girls have forgotten and one is how to be feminine, how to be a female. THIS IS PART OF YOUR HUMAN BIRTHRIGHT. Feminism stole it from you as it stole how to be a responsible male from boys. What we see are caricatures and posing that is media generated and taught. For millennia men and women have cohabited and raised families just fine before this onslaught of propaganda.
Behaving in a feminine fashion has NOTHING to do with being weak or submissive but everything to do with remembering that there really ARE gender differences and viva la difference! Contrary to what you were taught, men and women are equal but DIFFERENT. These differences are to enhance each other and make for a couple that functions as a unit. They are not supposed to be differences that polarize men from women and women from men, but that is how the movement has warped things to appear.
The lie that men have exploited women has become the official orthodoxy and of course in many cases has become the reality. The lie that they cheat is part of the propaganda machine. As a result of the first years of feminism, society made cheating commonplace. We of the first wave were taught to abandon our femininity and challenge men for the masculine role. Despite growing up in fully functioning heterosexual homes, we were taught heterosexuality and family by nature are oppressive to women.
Domestic violence was publicized. The right of a woman to FULFILLMENT in a career was placed above family. As a result, the divorce rate doubled and the birth rate was cut in half. One third of all births are now out-of-wedlock. The ability to commit to a relationship is almost unheard of among the young. Today they “hook up” and move on. Men are no more than dogs urinating on women as if they were hydrants. But no one is at fault here, we are ALL VICTIMS.
Feminism has done untold damage to Western civilization. There is no more fundamental yet delicate relationship in society than male and female. On it depend the family, the red blood cell of society. Nobody with the interests of society at heart would try to divide men and women. Man loves woman
His first instinct is to nurture ("husband") and see her thrive. When a woman is happy, she is beautiful. Sure, some men are abusive, but the vast majority have supported and guided their families for millennium. This is why men were so much stronger in character in days gone by. Feminism has robbed them of their rightful position in society.
Ten minutes on television and one concludes that men are unfaithful rats, abusive monsters, dishonest scumbags, or all of the above. Women on the other hand are flinty flirty achievers who triumph despite the cavemen who want to keep them in their place. All the while wearing killer heels and exposing maximum cleavage and leg.
All of this is calculated to create personal confusion and sow chaos among heterosexuals. As a result, millions of American males are emasculated and divorced from their relationship to family (the world and the future.) The American woman has been hoodwinked into investing herself in a mundane career instead of the timeless love of her husband and children. Many women have become temperamentally unfit to be wives and mothers. Nope feminism today is not what we were told it would be! Now women are even more trapped with the option of being a full time mom even less available to her!
We used to say, "as American as motherhood and apple pie." It has deprived many women of a secure and honored role by reducing them to sex objects and replaceable workers. It has certainly unsexed a great many good heterosexual men and prevented them from leading the honourable lives they were intended to lead as head of a household. Womanliness is forgotten. Now you are a femme fatale or you are not a “real woman.” In fact, one is no longer a real woman if one does not have at least a few lesbian experiences according to today’s expectations. How wrong is that?
The media tells girls because you are woman, you remain victim in society as a whole. Thus women must have a sense of grievance, entitlement and rebellion. The same tactic was used to manipulate Jews, Blacks, workers and gays. So to further isolate women from the traditional family, liberation and narcissism have merged. Leisure now means, time for yourself, spent alone, or perhaps with one's girlfriends but definitely without spouse and kids .The new feminist gospel proclaims that indulging yourself is an important part of being a healthy, well adjusted woman.
Sex is not reserved for love and marriage. Magazines urge young women to "put out on their first date, ogle men openly" and be an athlete in bed. There is no discussion of marriage or family. Such women can't trust a man enough to surrender themselves in love. Self-fulfillment lies in career success and not husband and family. The social rewards of holding down a job are critical to one's sense of dignity and self worth. I'm not saying women can't have jobs, only they shouldn't be tricked out of having families if they want them.
Meanwhile, Playboy Magazine etc. aimed a similar message at men stating one did not need marry for sex. Marriage and children are a hindrance. There are beautiful women everywhere and with the availability of porn, many men have forgotten to see past the onslaught of blatant sexuality. Women’s bodies hold no mystery. Instead they hold up an impossible ideal of airbrushed perfection few women can keep up for long.
My kind of feminist includes men as the other half of our species and completely necessary for a full and happy life. Don’t settle for the crap of just career and rip yourself off as so many women have. You do have a choice!
SOOO. LOL. Brazilian waxes are nice.. Killer heels are nice. But this is all show. Being a woman comes from the soul. To be a real woman keep your body to yourself. Just because you have on sexy lingerie does not mean you have to flaunt it. Keep an aura of mystique about your person. Don’t show everything you have in your dress and manner. Always let them think you are holding something special back for only THE most select person in your life. Your modesty is the most feminine thing you have. It is that innocence that attracts a good man more than a show of cleavage or leg. And remember, never do less than your best in any endeavour, but let the guys win once in awhile!
2007-03-19 04:05:48
answer #1
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
1) Wear skirts, tight jeans and real sexy blouses or better yet, sexy dresses (doesn't have to be short).
2) Wear make up that fits your comlexion - not too much. Wear it light and natural.
3) Do a manicure and a pedicure.
4) Do hairstyles that fits you - not too outragious.
5) Wear footwear with heels - heels that you can manage.
6) When you walk, walk like a lady. Be conscious of the way you walk all the time and after a while it comes natural.
7) When you sit, sit like a lady. Lap you legs - you do not have to cross them at the knee, you can do so at the angle.
8) Try and talj modest - with a smile that is not fake!
Whilst doing all these, you need to start admiring yourself as if you were someone else. Think how sexy you are!
Oh, and take a little time out of your busy schedule to take care of you. Dress up even if you at home and treat yourself!
2007-03-19 11:31:02
answer #2
answered by hotti_hottichiny 2
Do little things that make yourself feel more feminine. You can do common girly things - like getting pedicures/nails done, wearing more girly clothes/heels, dressing up and putting make up on. While those things are considered "girly" they won't necessarily make you feel girly. You have to be comfortable because one of the key aspects of being "sexy" feminine is being confident. Smile alot, maybe a little mascara, wear a fitted shirt instead of a baggy one, get a pedicure and wear flip flops or heels. Socialize, tell yourself you're beautiful and smile! I swear it will make you feel more like a girl if you don't already! I do like the tip about wearing girly underwear (make sure you're comfy in it though! lol you don't wanna walk around like you have a wedgie to pull out! ) if you start to think you are and maybe make slight changes - the way you feel will change alot.
2007-03-20 14:46:10
answer #3
answered by Ivey 3
Take a class like: Ballet, Belly Dancing, Ball room dancing, Pillates, or Yoga.
These classes help you train you bodies muscles and once you strenghten the muscles, this stays with you for up to 24 hours giving you great posture, and self confidence. In these classes, I also practice my smile. Smiles are so very important!!!
"Striking a pose" often is very feminine. Paris Hilton has kinda took this to extreme ... but when you're aware of what you best body movement (in relation to what you're wearing) you'll definitely feel feminine.
2007-03-19 13:59:57
answer #4
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
Make a man a sandwich. It always works for me! I tried the all out I-am-woman-hear-me roar mentality, and I was very unhappy. Its nice to embrace your femininity! If there is no one in your immediate vicinity for whom you can make a sandwich, take care of yourself! Also, not smoking/drinking/swearing goes a long way to helping [me] feel more feminine. Good luck honey, and I hope you find what your looking for!
2007-03-19 12:06:59
answer #5
answered by mizkc 2
I feel more feminine wearing nice skirts (not miniskirts) and having long hair.
2007-03-19 11:50:22
answer #6
answered by ? 6
1) Use some make up
2)Wear girly clothes, but make sure you feel comfortable wearing them
3)Comb you hair and make it look fresh an girly
4)Take your time in the morning before you go out to work(school) and make your self look pretty and girly
2007-03-19 12:14:29
answer #7
answered by Luna* * 4
Do what feels right to you. The last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable. Feminimity is different for every woman.
2007-03-19 11:17:33
answer #8
answered by Becky 5
Get some cute clothes! Splurge a little and spoil yourself for a day.
2007-03-19 11:12:24
answer #9
answered by transitangst 4
Masturbate more...learn to feel sensuous with your body. And you will naturally take it from there in feeling feminine.
2007-03-19 13:49:43
answer #10
answered by ms.tracyhiang 2
Go to a spa and get a facial and a Brazilian wax... guaranteed you will feel more girly!
2007-03-19 11:06:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous