It depends what sort of a plan you are wanting.
By all means discuss it with whoever is most likely to deliver your baby, and if you have any particularly strong feelings about anything specific then make that known as well, but as one of the posters above has said, it's not worth getting too attached to a birthing plan, or any notion of what you think your birthing experience will be like.
Your doctor or midwife will usually do whatever they can to honour your requests as far as they can and as far as it is safe and practical to do so, just be flexible.
I get very disturbed for the mothers when they have birthing plans all laid out, what pain relief they will and will not accept, what position they want to be in, exactly how soon after delivery they want to have the first breastfeed, even details right down to what music will be playing as their baby delivers, and then things just don't work out exactly as they plan and they look back on their experience as a "disappointment" or in a negative light.
No one can predict exactly what is going to happen during labour, or what a doctor or midwife may or may not do in order to facilitate the safe delivery of your baby. Situations can develop very quickly. Your goal should always to deliver a live, healthy baby. If the way they make their way into the world isn't exactly what you expect then try not to be too put off by that.
You may be one of the lucky ones with a relatively short, easy, trouble free labour and a textbook delivery and if that's how things work out then that's wonderful for all concerned. But if things don't quite go to plan and you need help to cope with the pain, or you need assistance to get your baby out alive then please try to keep an open mind.
There are lots of templates for birthing plans out here if you want one - any birthing website should be able to assist.
2007-03-19 02:35:40
answer #1
answered by SydneyMum101 6
You can make up a birth plan if you want but try not to get too specific about the frilly details. Labor is an unpredictable thing and if you get all wound up wanting a whole bunch of things that you ultimately don't get you might be disappointed.
If there's any big stuff you want or don't want then let your doctor know, in writing, because in an emergency there's no chance or sometimes even no time to ask questions, and if you're in a lot of pain or distress you might not be able to answer anyway.
But if you trust your doctor you should be okay anyway. They'll know what to do for you if they know you well.
2007-03-21 10:27:17
answer #2
answered by TaniaP 3
Many websites such as or have lists that will help you plan out your birthing plan. You should try printing those out and going over them with the baby's father and your doctor as well. I think it's always best to bring up any worries yourself with your doctor than hoping he/she will bring it up. Good luck!
2007-03-19 09:18:57
answer #3
answered by keonli 4
you could wait til the day you go to the hospital. but it is always wise to have a plan. just in case something should go wrong and they don't have anytime to ask you questions. like emergency C-Sections, needing blood etc..or who will be in the room with you. who will cut the cord. do you want to hold the baby before the cord is cut. and if your gonna breast feed do you want to feed the baby before he/she is taken to get cleaned in the nursery. stuff like that is good to plan ahead of time. we have alot of planning at the Birth Center where I work at.
2007-03-19 09:21:21
answer #4
answered by becca j 3
Don't take this to heart but they never work out...take it as it comes.
2007-03-19 09:19:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You should talk, face to face, with your doctor about it.
2007-03-19 09:17:21
answer #6
answered by phamy76 4
family planing? check out "billing's method" something about when your vaginal mucus is sticky your fertile, if it breaks easy your not. best time is during heavy mensuration, but they say its dirty or something.
2007-03-19 09:22:22
answer #7
answered by Erizu 2
I do not know whether you are a man or woman. If man use condom, if woman use female condom or pill.
2007-03-19 09:33:11
answer #8
answered by manjunath_empeetech 6