A safe, medically supervised abortion can end a pregnancy where the health of the mother is compromised (physical or emotional), where the fetus has a defect that is incompatable with life outside the uterus, or where it is not appropriate or even possible for the mother to continue with the pregnancy for a whole number of reasons, few of which are simple.
Being forced to go ahead with a pregnancy at all costs in the belief that a medically supervised abortion is always wrong, and that continuing with a pregnancy is always right, without taking into account the individual's circumstances is a very blinkered view indeed.
Assuming that abortion is always a negative, soul destroying experience that leaves a patient scarred for life is also biased. The blithe response is always "she could just give the baby up for adoption" but that doesn't seem to consider the difficulties for the mother either. Many patients, whilst they may be sad, actually do feel a sense of relief after an abortion. Handing over a full term baby for someone else to raise can also be very emotionally damaging for some women.
For those people who do not believe in abortion, don't have one. Simple as that.
Those people who want to consider it as an option should have access to the procedure in a safe, legal, medically supervised environement, without moral prejudice.
As far as illegal or "backyard" abortion - that has no place ANYWHERE. Unfortunately, in communities and cultures where safe abortion isn't an option women will lay their lives on the line to end unwanted pregnancies, and it's a sad fact that where abortion is illegal, unplanned/unwed pregnancy is also not normally tolerated - a double whammy.
2007-03-18 21:15:06
answer #1
answered by SydneyMum101 6
There is no advantage to abortion. I have a beautiful little girl who is 4 weeks old . I am 21 years old not married but living with my bf. I was on the pill when I got pregnant, but there is nothing like looking at that beautiful face everyday. Adoption is the answer if ur not ready for a baby. My parents adopted a girl 3 years ago. My sister is 3 and Iove her to death. Couldnt understand why my parents wanted another baby, but now I watch her playand laugh and I cannot imagine life without her. I just think God her birthmother thought enough about her to give her a chance at life. She is a bright lttle girl who would have never had a chance if she was aborted and the world would have been a sad place.
2007-03-19 03:55:18
answer #2
answered by Mom to Isobelle 2, & Gavyn 8mths 5
The advantage? Not being forced to go through with a pregnancy you don't want to go through with, or can't go through with because of medical reasons.
Abortion is a personal issue, if it doesn't involve someone they should just but out.
"Oh, just give it up for adoption" - like THAT is an easy option. For some girls, having to carry a baby for 9 months, go through labor and birth and then give the baby over to someone else is harder to cope with than a 10 minute surgical procedure. Is it a cowards way out? NO! Abortion is not easy, it's not the cowards way out.
Don't agree with abortion? Then don't have an abortion. But don't lay a guit trip on girls and women who want to consider it as an alternative.
If there are so many needy couples out there wanting to adopt, how come we have so many kids on waiting lists?
2007-03-21 10:39:12
answer #3
answered by TaniaP 3
The only possible advantage that I know of with abortion is if it is medically necessary to save the mother, or the child is dead. Only in serious medical circumstances is abortion an advantage.
I can see people choosing abortion in cases of rape or incest. The psychological effects on both the mother and child from knowing that the child was conceived in a violent act can be devastating. However, I believe that adoption is a better choice in this circumstance.
I think it is totally reprehensible for people to use abortion as ‘erasers’ to fix unwanted pregnancies or as birth control.
2007-03-19 04:01:35
answer #4
answered by starwberry 5
well the pro is that you arent pregnant anymore but the cons....
your physically scarred, mentally and spiritually scarred. Many women report depression after abortions. Many feel quilty and regret it.
There are sooo many other options than abortion. You can carry the baby to term and then give them to the hospital. You dont have to keep the baby. Never even have to hold the baby. You can walk away from there free as a bird and never look back but you cant do that from abortion. You will always be haunted by the what ifs and the regret especially if you become a mother later on in life.
2007-03-19 03:59:06
answer #5
answered by Marie C 2
There is NO advantage that comes with abortion
2007-03-19 03:58:44
answer #6
answered by hollilynn 5
Well in a woman who has an ailment where gestating a pregnancy full term could kill her it could keep her ALIVE so she can care for children she has at home. In my case paved the way out of an abusive relationship, and allowed me to later on meet and marry someone else and give birth to my daughter...it also kept me alive because I found out that my one time abuser was in prison serving a life term for beating his third wife to death...I was almost his third wife...
2007-03-19 04:02:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The only advantage of abortion is you will lose the unsin baby.
The disadvantage of abortion is you will life time suffered thinking of your cruelty to the helpless baby.
Why must we be so unhuman to our own flesh and blood ?
2007-03-19 04:02:11
answer #8
answered by laziifrog 5
for me no advantage at all..it is a sin the fetus had already a heartbeat means they alive,so in order to prevent pregnancy used contraseptives..
2007-03-19 03:53:39
answer #9
answered by 0330em@jd 4
Having a story to tell in while in therapy.
2007-03-19 03:56:50
answer #10
answered by Peanut Butter 5