Ref's don't break up fights, they stay back and assign penalties. The linesman have the duty of breaking up fights only when they have safe shot at breaking it up without taking a punch.
This is why you'll see the linesman wait until one player hits the ice or until at least on of the players cannot fight back on his own.
I'm fairly new to the sport but I've heard they have been trying to cut back on fighting. I've seen old videos where the linesman actually points to each fighter and asks if he is ready, then signals them to begin. It's no longer that way.
2007-03-18 20:56:38
answer #1
answered by dreft 2
I remember hearing something a few years back about this and if I recall ... they won't break up a fight until one of the players falls to the ice or the fight becomes unfair, like a jersey being pulled over a head.
And for the record, it's the linesmen's job to break up fights, not the the ref.
2007-03-19 09:37:54
answer #2
answered by tgfann 3
There are a few reason's why the linesmen don't:
1) So what ever tention that is between the players is exhausted and done with. (This stops most further action through out the game into turning into something worse)
2) So they don't get hit
3) For the Love of the game and the fans
4) They wait for the players to get tired so its easier to break them up and deal with them
5) Last but not least, Dude, who doesn't want to see a fight, you gotta let it go on for at least a few punches. It brings fun to there job other then tooting a whistle all game.
2007-03-18 21:10:30
answer #3
answered by Detroit Punk 3
The linesman DO break up fights, they just wait a while BEFORE they step in for the reasons a lot of people mentioned above.
As far as the second part of your question, I'm not crazy about the fighting either, but the reality of the situation is that it IS there. What else SHOULD the commentators do while this happens? Give us out of town scores or wish people a happy Birthday?
2007-03-19 15:41:44
answer #4
answered by clueless_nerd 5
fighting is a part of hockey!!! it adds excitement to the game and sparks the team. they don't break it up until they hit the ice. one of the best ones i have seen was in the echl where the ref was skating a little to close to the fight and got punched right in the face went to the ice and the crowd cheered like someone had scored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-19 00:06:24
answer #5
answered by maureen b 3
it's part of the game the ref's will not stop it if it happens. after a minute or so if the players fall on the ice they can get seriously injured by players skates. the ref's will let it go till they fall or the players are to tired and are just holding each other and then the ref's will step in.
GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-03-19 07:58:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's hockey dude, fighting is an unofficial part of the game. After all it is a man's game.
2007-03-18 20:20:52
answer #7
answered by starsfan 2
It is the linesman's job , and they usually wait until the players are tired to step in or one of the guys asks them to . They wait so they do not get punched by accident. They always jump in when both players fall to the ice,
2007-03-18 20:59:17
answer #8
answered by messtograves 5
you go and stand between god knows how many pounds of sheer testosterone and rage and stuff! bet you would be so happy to get out you wouldn't ever think twice (or even once!) of getting between them. besides: what's the point, they'll still try to get at each other, it only delays the game further. let them fight it out, they already started so they're gonna get penalized anyway, and then you can get on with the game!
2007-03-18 22:30:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they do after they let them fight a bit, its a part of the game dipsh1t, its not like basketball or anyother pussy no talent sport, hockey requires many different things, and fighting is a major part of the game, it always has been, what the f..u...c..k.. kind of question was this?
2007-03-19 06:24:54
answer #10
answered by bgaborik10 1