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11 answers

A tough one. I think no-one will come with a right answer.

I think we should also look at our school curriculum. maybe we should pack the school activities to increase more time on compulsory school activitires so that our children have little time to wander around.

I don't support condoms at schools but, hey, better safe than sorry. Last week I read this story about kids at a school in Kagiso (Krugersdorp). It is said that the girl had always been taunting the boy - telling him that he would be dismall failure during sex. The boy got fed-up and the two set a date. They went to an empty room and have sex - in full view of other learners, nogal. I don't know whether they used condoms, but think of possible results!!!!

if children do it publicly, and at school, how worse can it be?

The other thing is that, we are parents must stop blaming government for our indiscrete behaviour. Honestly, people have been warned about bad sexual behaviour but we keep on doing the wrongs things and blame government when we get infected. If parents can behave correctly, we would have the moral footing to bring our children to sense!

As I said, this is tough. And my two cents comment is still highly suspect. But we cannot give up!

2007-03-18 23:35:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

This is a difficult question. If i really knew the solution, i would be in south africa right now.

Now because of the fact that south africa has to deal with such a crisis, puts them in an extremley difficult position. South Africans do so much to help allready belive it or not. But HIV is their number 1 enemy to improving thier economy and thriving as a nation. They could really try to work with the UN as much as possible and start programs in local towns for kids to do what they can, wether its giving charity or sending things of need. This will help the minds of the youth and give a new generation a new perspective. Media can help, commercials, that sort of thing. The adults have to change first befor the kids can... thats the truth

2007-03-18 19:45:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First of all we have to stop promoting sex in schools by giving out free condoms to who ever wants it. Children are led to believe that as long as they use condoms they are safe from contracting HIV . The only cure out their is prevention.
Secondly - Education starts at home and if parents are not aware of the facts regarding the HI virus, neither will their children. Adult Education would be a good way to get the message through to the younger generation.

If proper education and awareness campaigns are to be put in place, South Africa will need someone in government who actually knows what their doing.

2007-03-18 20:44:24 · answer #3 · answered by MB1810 5 · 4 0

That is certainly a good question. I think that when leaders of the youth such as Zuma and Mbeki start admitting that HIV is a real problem then people will start taking notice.
Another possible solution is to dedicate education of the real horrific details of HIV/AIDS to high schoolers.They need to see the grizly pictures of how people with AIDS suffer.
To be honest i never really thought about HIV/AIDS when i was in school, untill one of my friends died from it. Looking in his coffin at his funeral really drove the message home!

2007-03-19 02:45:35 · answer #4 · answered by TakeNoticeNow 3 · 0 0

Recently a program was put in place in most tertiary institutions to better educate the youth on HIV/AIDS but I believe the selected group is wrong.

In SA most people start having sex in high school and by the time they get to Tech, they know the do's and dont's of the game. Here are my recommendations: -

- Start educating high schoolers
- Parents talk to your kids
- Apply the ABC's (abstain, be careful and condomise)
- Stop being promiscuous

2007-03-18 22:44:20 · answer #5 · answered by Wanda 2 · 3 0

How can you promote new behavior where as a few years back they promoted the "growth" of the black nation....? And I know that this is not just based on a black and white issue, but think about it.....

Yes, white youth also go on like rabbits, but in the black culture it is normal.,.. How do you think they will change it, it is after all the previous black "leaders” who told them to produce!!!

2007-03-20 00:03:31 · answer #6 · answered by poepies 4 · 2 0

The political leaders and popular icons should set better examples. Most people idolize people whose behavior in the face of a deadly virus can only be described as moronic. Zuma and Manto probably did more damage than any failed education program could ever do.

2007-03-19 00:05:34 · answer #7 · answered by Rabble Rouser 4 · 2 0

If they were helped to believe in the true God, who is a loving God, & came to understand how very important each of them is to God, this would affect at least some of them. It would give them reason to respect God, & to learn to love & respect themselves as well. Most may never care, but that is no reason to not reach out to help the few who might respond.

What Is Your Life Worth?

How Precious Your Life Is :
- “Not One of Them Is Missing”
- “The Very Hairs of Your Head Are All Numbered”
- “The Product of Intelligent Activity”
- “He Will Deliver the Poor One Crying for Help” http://www.watchtower.org/e/20050201/article_02.htm

Humans--Just Higher Animals? :
- Who Are We?
- In the Image of God or Beast?
- Looking Up --Not Down-- for Answers

Youths--Let Your Parents Help You Guard Your Heart!
- Why Obey Your Parents?
- Attraction to the Opposite Sex
- The Persuasive Power of Your Peers
- Worthy of Honor
(This requires morally upright teachers, to be most effective.)

In view of world wide conditions, many people --including youths-- don't feel that God cares about them, or that they have any future to look forward to. Such ones often do things that are destructive --to themselves & others-- sometimes in revenge ...

Helping Teens in Trouble :
- Youths in Crisis
- The Pressures Facing Youths
- Help for Todays Youths

The following brochure is designed to address this issue, & explain not only the reason why things are so bad now, but why there are Solid reasons to look Forward to the future:

Does God REALLY Care About Us? :
- An Earth Free From Suffering
- How We Can Know There Is a God
- God Informs Us About His Purposes
- The Wonderful Gift of Free Will
- Why God Has Permitted Suffering
- What Has Been the Result of Rebellion?
- God's Purpose Moves Toward Fulfillment
- How we Know We Are in "the Last Days"
- The Marvelous Mew World of God's Making
- The New World's Foundation Now Being Formed http://www.watchtower.org/library/dg/index.htm?article=article_01.htm

World wide, these publishers are reaching out to All who are unhappy with things the way they are, to teach those Wanting to learn the hope that God holds out to mankind. They also address specific concerns, such as AIDS:

The Battle Against AIDS--Will It Be Won?
- AIDS--The Epidemic Continues
- AIDS--How to Fight It
- AIDS--What Hope For the Future?

Simply knowing the dangers is not motivation enough ...

"One of the teachers of religion standing there listening to the discussion [between the Sadducees & Jesus], asked Jesus, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important? " Jesus replied,

"The one that says, 'Hear O Israel! Jehovah our God is the one and only God. And you must love him with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. The second is: 'You must love others as much as yourself.' No other commandments are greater than these." Mark 12:28-31, see also Luke 10:25-27

They must respect & love their Creator first,
& then their neighbors & themselves ...
Love is the Most Effective motivator there is!

How We Learn to Love :
- Love Is Indespensible
- How to Develop Genuine Love
- The Noblest Kind of Love

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(In case a link becomes modified, this can be used.) http://www.watchtower.org/search/search_e.htm

Advanced On-site Search (In case a link becomes modified, this can be used.) http://watchtower.org/search/search_e.htm

2007-03-19 02:35:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

MB is right...
This whole giving of condoms seems to be saying, go ahead, as long as you got rubbers. As long as those exist, they may feel invincible and obliged to having multiple partners. Forgetting that condoms aren't 100% safe....
I think condoms should be promoted with clear inclusions of their cons. Such as defects fom heat, tearing, how the tiny HIV virus can go through a tiny, tiny hole in a condom that would seem like the opening of a cave to a virus and not visible to the naked eye. etc...
My zulu teacher in High School spent most of the zulu lesson telling us sh!t. She seemed a bitter woman and often told us how we'd never make it to 21 and how Aids was going to wipe us out because we didnt respect ourselves etc etc. It made one feel ashamed for even having kissed a guy...we all finally wanted to prove to her that we werent sloeries and could make it to 21 and beyond... (i've proved it). I wish they'd take her to all the schools and make her give these hard core lectures to the students....

2007-03-18 21:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 1 0

thats a good question. you know their inventing an immunization for HIV, since they cant find a cure. i think that will make sexual bahaviour amoung teens rise alot. but it will save lives if they get the shot.

2007-03-20 11:55:52 · answer #10 · answered by Nemo 2 · 0 0

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