You may get along with them great now, but after living with them you will find out that blood is thicker than water. What happens if you and your hubby get into an argument and they decide to throw you out! Besides, two women living under the same roof and using the same kitchen. Do you want someone telling you how to raise your child, what to feed your husband, and knowing that you are having sex with their son right down the hall?
Sounds like a bad idea already, and I haven't even begun to tell you the things I have seen happen in these situations! It is better to pay the babysitter than to destroy your marriage!
2007-03-18 17:51:15
answer #1
answered by PEGGY S 7
Generally now a days moving in with either parents is not a good move. In the old day it was done alot but things were different back then. Many times it was done out of financial necessity. There are on the surface of it many benefits to moving in together such as the baby sitting you mentioned as well as others. But your concern about disagreements tend to rear their ugly heads after a short period of time and resolving them can be sticky because your husband will be in a very unfortunate place. He will have a difficult time disagreeing with them...that's his mom and dad..,,,.but he will have a difficult time disagreeing with you .,,, are his wife. So really, he can be put in a difficult position. He Will always have the stress of playing referee to you and his parents. The only way this can work is, if before you all move in together you have a meeting to iron out certain ground rules. There really can't be for instance them interfering with the way you bring up your child. Schedules have to be worked you said there are privacy issues...there are times when what you and your husband want to do is not going to marry up well with what the parents want to do and that all needs to be ironed out and I could go on and on and on. So unless you absolutely need to move in for a short time due to financial reasons, I would strongly advise you and your husband not to do this......God Luck!
2007-03-19 00:46:34
answer #2
answered by chcman74 4
Bad idea. You will loose your privacy and maybe, in time, your marriage. If his mom is sensitive about cleaning and is definitly a bad idea. I clean for old people who can't do for themselves anymore. Some of them are VERY picky, and I'm not related. Bad Idea!
2007-03-19 00:40:26
answer #3
answered by regwoman123 4
Really the only time you should have to move in to your in-laws house is during severe finaical difficulties. even if you say you don't want to live with them I don't think they would have a problem watching your baby. it would be time for them to be with their grand baby... you can still live near them and spend quality time together.
2007-03-19 00:41:12
answer #4
answered by ROTC Girl 1
NO NO way to ruin a good relationship. Drop the kids off, drop in, but don't drop seperate houses. You will be "the outsider"!!
2007-03-19 00:43:02
answer #5
answered by Great Grandma 3
it's ideal for a family to live independently from in-laws.
although other matters like taking care of sick relatives, need due to financial constraints can be exemptions
2007-03-19 00:37:04
answer #6
answered by j_timberLate 3
Sharing a home with inlaws rarely works.
Give it lots of thought...
2007-03-19 00:36:10
answer #7
answered by 7