Actually I'm really excited about this movie because I honestly think that the Indiana Jones series are the only movies that really define true adventure. The only sad thing is they made three of them, I wish they had done more. I hope Spielberg does good with this one.
2007-03-18 17:37:15
answer #1
answered by rishbob 1
I cannot wait - the last what I hear and read in "all mighty" Rotten Tomatoes - is that Indiana Jones is going to find the map of Atlantis and that according to "Cate Blanchett is in negotiations to star opposite Harrison Ford in the long-awaited fourth installment of the "Indiana Jones" series, her publicist confirmed Saturday.
"She is in negotiations, yes," publicist Lisa Kasteler told The Associated Press. She did not elaborate."
Filming is scheduled to begin later this year, with Steven Spielberg on board to direct. The movie is being produced by "Star Wars" creator George Lucas' Lucasfilm Ltd. "
Can hardly wait.
2007-03-18 18:25:52
answer #2
answered by Zomba_RS 3
i am going to exhibit screen, I basically desire that's not a huge enable down, in spite of the undeniable fact that, what might want to you assume after any such LOOOONNNGGG time body?? I actually have always been a unswerving Indiana Jones fan, so i visit provide it a shot.
2016-12-02 05:28:10
answer #3
answered by deamer 4
No, I can't! Bet it's going to be great. Harrison Ford is going to be in it for sure, and there's a good chance Sean Connery will to.
The scripts done, filming doesn't begin until June of this year.
It's out worlwide May 22, 2008!
2007-03-18 18:12:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm looking forward to it. They've been working hard on it , and there's sure to be some good action parts, and shocking parts as well. Considering there's good producers and directors working on it, I think it will be good! The actors are also very good.
2007-03-18 17:42:27
answer #5
answered by luckyme 2
I'll admit I'm quite curious as to what the story will be. Do Nazis attack Jones' nursing home?
2007-03-18 17:33:49
answer #6
answered by McLovin 7
Yes I can wait. The first 3 were awesome. Why mess with something like that? You know they are going to kill it.
2007-03-18 17:35:18
answer #7
answered by Samantha 3
I'm really looking forward to it.
Spielberg back on action/adventure territory.
It'll be superb.
2007-03-18 17:34:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I can't wait! I don't see how it could possibly be worse than the Temple of Doom.
2007-03-18 17:37:50
answer #9
answered by daniel g 2
uhhh u should be able to.....its been like 10 yrs since the last one...whats a little while longer?
2007-03-18 18:28:26
answer #10
answered by jean grey 6