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I know they're sisters but what is the reason why they were distant from each other and are they still estranged?

2007-03-18 17:28:25 · 2 answers · asked by chrstnwrtr 7 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

2 answers

Relations between Olivia De Havilland and younger sister Joan Fontaine were never all that strong and worsened in 1941, when both were nominated for 'Best Actress' Oscar awards. Their mutual dislike and jealousy escalated into an all-out feud after Fontaine won for Suspicion (1941). Despite the fact De Havilland went on to win two Academy Awards of her own, they remained permanently estranged.

2007-03-18 17:46:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i believe Fontaine was jealous of Olivia, people say their mom favored Olivia, but who really knows-Olivia still lives in Paris, Joan in Cal..

2007-03-19 00:37:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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