Were you born yesterday or something?!?
James Cameron explained all this ten years ago when his blockbuster Titanic (1997) was released worldwide, can't you remember?
He clearly stated for everyone to hear that he created his two main characters (Jack Dawson & Rose DeWitt Bukater) and their friends & relatives while the rest of the story of the doomed vessel was genuine, even down to the finest & smallest detail, such as the design on the china (or crockery).
Amazingly fascinating, isn't it?
Without a single doubt, my favorite movie of all time!
Hope this helps buddy!
P.S. Just out of curiosity, have you just seen Titanic for the first time very recently or something?
2007-03-18 18:06:09
answer #1
answered by Devilish Angel 4
The love story was purely fictional. However, all the events and intricate details that were happening around them in the movie were mostly ALL TRUE! I'm a true Titanic fanatic - - - for years BEFORE the movie, I collected books and documentaries about the ship and its sinking. James Cameron did an outstanding job of bringing the ship and the events to life. Many of the actors in the movie actually resembled the ones in real life - - - like Captain Smith, Molly Brown, Thomas Andrews, John Jacob Astor, etc.
2007-03-19 01:03:16
answer #2
answered by TPhi 5
The Titanic disaster really did happen and most of those people lost their lives. Rose and Jack are fictional characters made up for the film so it could also be a love story and a disaster flick. Sorry to let you down.
2007-03-19 00:11:33
answer #3
answered by Fat Boy 5
There WAS a sinking of the ship Titanic, but the love story with rose and jack was fictional.
2007-03-19 00:10:18
answer #4
answered by kaisergirl 7
The movie is just that, a movie story line to watch...
Now the Titanic ship is real and it sailed in 1912 and really did sink...
That part is true...
The movie is more for a fun story with Jack and Rose...
The rest is true though if you look it up on line...
2007-03-19 00:14:05
answer #5
answered by aspenkdp2003 7
The Titanic was real, but I remember reading a story about the time the movie came out about the fact that the story was basically based on a rumor (excluding the diamond part of course) but they never found any evidence of the person Jack is based on.
2007-03-19 00:13:34
answer #6
answered by Sara R 3
It's a made up story set around an actual event (the Titanic really existed and sank. Rose and Jack did not).
2007-03-19 00:10:08
answer #7
answered by smm1974 7
Sorry. Rose and Jack were purely fictional characters.
The sinking of the Titanic, however, was a true event. You can Google it, and find a ton of info about the tragedy.
2007-03-19 00:09:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There was no Jack or Rose. James Cameron just made them up to show people how the Titanic sinking affected the people on the ship.
2007-03-19 00:15:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. The love story part of Titanic was all made up- as a way of bringing to life the very TRUE disaster of the sinking of the Titanic. And it worked!
2007-03-19 00:14:35
answer #10
answered by Joseph, II 7