Here's the deal. Well, I don't have any siblings, that's probably why they want me to stay close. Anyway, I've been waiting to get to live on my own my entire life and now they're jeopardizing [sp?] my chances! I want to go to Texas Tech, which is 6 or 7 hours from me. Hey, at least it's in the same state!! My parents, on the other hand, want it to be a 2-3 hour drive so I could come home on the weekends... =( I love my family and all, BUT I need to be ON MY OWN! I'm just TIRED of living in the same city for all my life and I really want to establish my own life! What are your suggestions? How can I show them that IT'S MY LIFE, not theirs!? Parents: How do you cope with your teens leaving to go off to college? Teens: Are you having the same problem? Parents: Did you have the same problem with your parents at that age?
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