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People don't do research like they use to in the library we just use the internet. Also technology like drive ins, allow people to sit in their cars and order food instead walking into the store. A lot of times store jobs don't even accept applications in person, a kid or adult can just go to the website and apply. Don't get me wrong I love computers and everything esle but it seems people use to work a lot worker before they were around especially in school.

2007-03-18 16:12:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

You don't have to agree with me, but please don't make any rude comments.

2007-03-18 16:12:40 · update #1

7 answers

yes we have become lazy, if the tv remote don't work rather then stand up and change it we just don't watch it. If the electric can opener doesn't work we complain though we have a regular one.

2007-03-18 16:19:10 · answer #1 · answered by Sunset 7 · 1 0

Technology is the best thing that human able to invent. It shows how brilliant a human is and how great the power of God having for His man. Technology is a great invention that has never stop rising or develop, just to suit the lifestyle in this new era of globalization. Technology creates civilized culture and ease most of the work that a man has to do manually. If we take a look of our past, we as a part of the modern people may have taken aback of how our ancestor able to built such a big building without any helps of technology like what and how we are having now. It seems so strange and it reminds us how strong they are. Could we do such thing like them? Is that possible? In my opinion, i don't think we able to. Technology is a development that is not used to make people to become lazy but to assist them in working so that it can be done effectively and successfully. However, the ingredients mixture of technology and human's routine life has caused unexpected and undesired implication that we all have not really thought of. Technology is undeniably is training us to become something similar of a dead wood that needs someone to carry for processing. However, technology is not the reason of making us as la azy individual. It is all depends on our heart and perception. Of course i didn't mean that we must go back like the past. Carry big rocks for building, walk hundred miles across the hills and rivers, and etc. What i really mean is doing something as civilized person and not neccessary to be always affected or bound by the existence of the technology. the prevalence of technology is what making us to be proud and live well in this society.

2007-03-18 17:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Chris D 2 · 0 0

What a wonderful question!!!! It's amazing what people won't do for themselves anymore. I was born in 1972 and until I got a computer a few months ago,I really got to see just how much different things are. Modern technology is great for some things,but to just sit home,shop,go to school,pay your bills,communicate to others and even have a relationship is beyond me. I think I might ask when is the last time somebody wrote a letter,instead of e-mail or im.....Anyway in answer to your question,yes, most definitely. Another example, how many teenagers do you know that don't have an abbreviation for everything???

2007-03-18 16:32:51 · answer #3 · answered by majakdbm 1 · 0 0

Hell yeah technology has made people lazy. Yeah your rite we do use the Internet to research stuff instead of the library. Like I think its the BMW or the Mercedes but the car can parallel park it self. That's some cool **** and that is a major advance in technology. But yeah I agree that technology has made people lazy.

2007-03-18 16:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not only has it made people more lazy, it has also
caused hardships on some as lots of loose info
is gathered from the internet and used to gain
from the person that the info was stolen from.
I use the computer but only for a period of time
and that's about two hrs nightly, I never liked com-
puters but when living overseas it helps to keep
track of things from your original country.

2007-03-18 23:03:09 · answer #5 · answered by RudiA 6 · 0 0

Yes I think technology has made people lazy and has contributed to the obesity in America. It also, take the learning process away from children!!! I am for Technology, but against the way we abuse it.

2007-03-19 13:01:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yeah. look at those remotes that now can control like everything in your home.. i mean it is getting crazy

2007-03-18 16:16:07 · answer #7 · answered by brittany d 2 · 1 0

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