My photocopier where I work keeps insisting that it's jammed when it's NOT. I want to throw the damned piece of crap out the window! I also exchange harsh words with my stapler which likes to jam all the staples down the end so the spring is not held taut. Thank you for raising this question. I feel slightly better.
2007-03-18 15:51:14
answer #1
answered by Kble 4
Let me count the ways! My PC, perverse & logical--what a dichotomy. Vacuums w/bags that have to be changed every 3 days (I LOVED you sense of humour on yours)! Window blinds that will go up or down ONLY on one side, elevators that don't work only when I have brought home a huge shopping, teeny mailboxes that barf everything out at you when opened, file folders that spill all over the floor, vanishing paper clips, busted circuit breakers that require re-setting over a dozen things, "things" that hide when I really need them
& appear in plain sight when I dont, Post It tabs that stick to each other, oh, stop me!
2007-03-19 17:53:08
answer #2
answered by Psychic Cat 6
Right now I'm pretty sure it's the 6th stair up, main staircase, at school. I had a broken wrist from snowboarding and I tripped on the same stair 3 times while it was broken. And I've tripped on it about 8 times this year. I swear that thing has it in for me. No doubt, the same stair every frickin' time. Grrrr...That cold marble piecer.
2007-03-18 22:56:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Cell phones. I touch them and they develop amazing diseases. All of mine have had weird inexplicable glitches. My last one was bad about withholding texts and voices mails (some times for as much as 24 hours). My current phone (a flip phone) has had the screen die (for no known reason). I will buy a new one tomorrow. One of my phones committed suicide by leaping out of my purse and under a passing car as I was getting out of my car in a parking lot. (Lucky you--you didn't have to explain THAT at the phone store!) I don't drop them or abuse them as a general rule -although I did threaten to throw one in the river- (it used to hang up on callers when you opened it). They all just hate me and refuse to cooperate (dead batteries, no service etc.). Just consider me "off the hook". Good luck! ;-)
2007-03-18 23:22:50
answer #4
answered by Witchyluck 4
This friggin computer! It's a laptop and no matter how I set it, the #%$$&*##!!! "Tap to click" is always on! I know how to go into the mouse settings and turn it off and hit apply, I know how to turn it off on the start up bar area, but even coming out of sleep mode the damned thing will be on again! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
2007-03-18 22:53:40
answer #5
answered by sparkletina 6
theres an alarm that goes off in my lil bros room but i have no idea what or where it's coming from. it's soo annoying. it goes off every single day around 5:00 a.m.
2007-03-18 22:55:18
answer #6
answered by sallymander 3
The toaster. It's in cahoots with the smoke detector in the kitchen...
2007-03-18 22:53:22
answer #7
answered by lcraesharbor 7
My desk lamp. The damn thing burned me there times last week. I know it hates me, but I love it so.
2007-03-18 22:51:13
answer #8
answered by CrystalEyes 2
Computers! They hate me. I am Technologically Challenged.
(Yet here I am...)
2007-03-18 22:50:56
answer #9
answered by Kharm 6