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ive gotta say, i'm extremly scared! it's happening right now, and to think that everything in our world is changing, and not for the better, and that if we dont' do something now, the way we live our lives everyday could change drastically!!
what should we do?
i don't understand why we can send someone to the moon but it's so hard to make a new fuel that people will use!!

2007-03-18 15:24:03 · 9 answers · asked by Bubbly2 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers

It isn't hard to make a new fuel. Some countries are already using new fuels. The problem is in creating an affordable fuel that doesn't contaminate the planet.

Electric vehicles, or those that use hydrogen are perhaps our best bets.

Still, we have people who don't want wind generators in thier neighborhoods. We have cities wishing to tax people who use solar power MORE.

Vehicles using exotic fuels such as hydrogen (which produce only pure water as an exhaust) are currently much more expensive than others.

Hopefully, this will change soon.

2007-03-18 15:29:45 · answer #1 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 1 0

Why don't you try chewing on some cold, hard facts: human contribution to global warming is 1/30 of onehundred percent. The rest is natural organic, volcanac, etc. This means that if we, humans, were to cut our carbon footprint in half, we would still only contribute 1/60.
This is scientific fact backed up by over 1700 scientists worldwide. Humans have only been industralized for about the last 150 years, so how do all the Al Gore know-it-alls account for the warming trends that were present in 1700's Europe? Heck, they used to grow LIMES in England for heavens sake! I don't recall any automobiles chugging around London back then!
Don't fret about this crap, it's just the cause of the week and people will come to their senses soon enough.

2007-03-18 23:11:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Look at what the media has done to you! You poor thing! All this crap they've come up with has everyone in an uproar and everyone's uptight. The galaxy (yes the galaxy!) goes through phases. I don't think the ice age came because of cars and pollution. The earth and other planets go through phases. Right now we are starting one of those warm cycles. It is highly unlikley we will be alive when the world falls apart. So everyone thinks its humans causing it, the media says so. Sure, we might be helping but does anyone really think our pollution is causing the ice caps melting on mars? Have you heard that one? It's a secret. To wrap this up yes earth and other planets go in cycles, warm or cold. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it so live your life to the fullest and stop living your life in fear.

2007-03-18 22:36:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Global Warming is happening because the Sun is getting hotter, not because of Human activity, and since we can't turn off the Sun, or move the Earth an extra 1 million miles away from the Sun, Global Warming will continue, the sea's will continue to rise, and the ice caps will indeed melt, Global Warming is a natural occurrence, there is nothing that can be done about it, and I'm not going to waste my time worrying about something in vain, something that can't be stopped.

2007-03-18 22:31:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

ALL of the meteorologists that DO NOT take grant money state that current global warming is a natural trend and that no evidence exists that certifies that it will create climate change. 900,000 years ago, there was about 20 times more CO2 in the atmosphere, but it created no climate change. we sure as heck were not putting CO2 into the air back then! and the real know-its know that the amount of CO2 that we have put into the atmosphere is not the cause of GW at all: it is a natural trend that will likely be followed by a mini ice age. but it will take a lot of time. the tv channels are filled with disaster movies so much that you don't even want to hear about them anymore.

but you really are correct in what you say about spending so much money on space travel... haven't you noticed that everything that we need, everything that is good for our bodies, is here on our own planet, in abundance, already?

well, you should do some research on new data all about what is being found in the oceans! it's so exciting! we know hardly anything about the creatures that live on the ocean floor, yet, there are only 6 submersables in the entire world that are able to get down that far. why not spend more money making THEM? because:

who knows what benefits these creatures hold to mankind? as well as that new research, just out, shows that bacteria exist in certain seas that manufacture hydrogen, the power source that can be used for internal combustion engines with only the byproduct of water. these animals, bacteria, already have been documented and had their DNA structures analyzed and duplicated in the laboratory. so why are we not spending more on development of that source?

in addition, large amounts of methane gas, another power source, are perpetually seeping out of the ocean floor. certain living things live off of the methane, but much is wasted as it bubbles up to the surface. it COULD BE collected inside of what would look like an upside down champaigne glass, at sea level. we are studying what negative effects we may cause if we do this, though.

who cares (except politicians) if we send rockets to space? do we want to live on the moon, or on mars? why? can you imagine what costs there would be to our moving to mars? is it feasible? it is not our most lovely and beautiful host planet, mother earth. i personally don't want to live on another planet, i want to live here.

if the natural trend of global warming is meant to break down ice shelves on greenland, desalinating the atlantic and changing currents, then it will happen, but not because of us.

don't be bamboozled by all the news threats of GW and your fault in it. if you send me a request at my email addy that is posted here, i will be able to find you some links that prove what i say, but give me about one week.

2007-03-18 22:41:06 · answer #5 · answered by Louiegirl_Chicago 5 · 2 0

I'm still not convinced.

I believe all of the mania over the subject is just the foundation for the implementation of another tax... the "Carbon Footprint Tax."

2007-03-18 22:29:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm not. I live in southern California, so I am used to the really hot weather.
Plus, Al Gore really annoys me, so I usually ignore what he has to say.

2007-03-18 22:27:01 · answer #7 · answered by Erica L 5 · 4 1

I'm gonna dead by 50 years...I really don't care. Hopefully the right things will be done in time...

2007-03-18 22:29:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Sweety it's all Gods will.

2007-03-18 22:28:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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