Well, some details of exactly whats wrong with it would help us to help you get it started. Heck, it could be as simple as a dead battery if its just been setting, but to give you an idea, we need to know whats doing or not doing.
2007-03-18 15:27:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hmmm..I'm not sure if I know what you mean...is it not running because it's been parked (stood)up along time??
first of all your battery has probably gone flat so you need to charge it up..either jump start it with jump leads off another car or take the battery off & charge it over night...has it been stood for ages?? you might need some air in the tyres.. put some new fuel in,get it started!! & get it booked in for an MOT ..then you'll know were you stand by how much work is needed for it's next MOT.
Good Luck! : )
IF you mean you've got this car & it's never been running & you want to keep it then you need a mechanic...I'm sure you know a friend of a friend who knows abit about cars & just get it looked at...really we need more info on your question...
Are you very fond of the car that you would miss it if you got rid of it?? Do you want to get it started? If you don't want to trade it in then don't !they wouldn't give you much anyhow if it's a non runner, just cover it up with a car cover til you know what you want to do. : )
2007-03-18 23:42:01
answer #2
answered by Toby G* 4
Hi Veronica
You could tell us what the problem is and we could tell you how to fix it.
If you leave the car standing, eventually the cylinder bores will rust up and it will be totally useless to anyone.
The car will also start to deteriorate in places and again it will be useless to anyone.
If you're going to keep it then you should keep it under cover in storage or in a garage.
I think the options are, fix it or store it!!
2007-03-19 01:08:53
answer #3
answered by Grizz 5
store it .. does it have special meaning to you, is that the reason you don't want to trade it off?... ask yourself.. how much money will i lose to store it or fix it if i don't have a special meaning for this vecihle.. if you don't at least go get a tester to use to check your engine... i rented one from o'reilly automotives.. but the down deposit was 200 dollars.. i got my money back when i brought the tester back in time... and i used the tester and it told me what was wrong... if you don't want to get rid of it try to fix it or store it or it will be more trouble than its worth.
2007-03-18 15:21:05
answer #4
answered by Americasgirl 3
well it depends on how much it means to u if it doses then pay to get it running,memeories are worth more then money cars have value if in exelant condition.so u need to decied what is worth more to u memeories or trading it. if its paid for it isnt going anywhere goood luck
2007-03-18 15:19:00
answer #5
answered by ihclyde 2
You either put a tarp over it or fix it or sell it. Those are your choices, make up your mind. It is a car, not the person who drove it.
2007-03-18 15:58:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Get a guy friend to take a look at it and ask him to fix it for you on the cheap good enough to get it running.
Your a girl. Ask for help.
You'll get someone who will probably help you for free if you pay him money for parts.
2007-03-18 15:16:41
answer #7
answered by randyrich 5
what is it worth? What model is it? Scrap yards usually charge to take them don't they? Can you swap it for something or get it going?
2007-03-18 15:14:45
answer #8
answered by rose_merrick 7
either have it fixed or store it someplace.
2007-03-18 15:15:41
answer #9
answered by mister ss 7
What the **** do you wanna know about?????????
2007-03-18 15:16:34
answer #10
answered by LivTyler 3