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I'm just back from Oz and luuurved the flat white coffee! But I have never seen it here... How is it made and how do they make the little design on the top?

2007-03-18 14:51:39 · 6 answers · asked by Norah B 4 in Dining Out Australia Other - Australia

6 answers

I live in Melb Aust and make drinking coffee with girlfriends a necessity.
My opinion and experience is, a flat white should have no Froth at all. It is served in a cup and does not have any design since it has no froth.
A Latte on the other hand is similar but with a small amount of froth, is served in a glass and will sometimes have a design, depending on the barrista.
I don't like froth on my coffee and constantly when i order flat white get froth on top.
Its basically espresso coffee with hot milk. A little difficult to make at home without an espresso machine as the steam nozzle is the tool used to make the froth. The espresso coffee is also vital to get the proper flavour.

2007-03-18 17:43:07 · answer #1 · answered by ♥jg spunk♥ 4 · 1 0

A flat white is simply a white coffee or a cappucino without the froth.
you need a shot of espresso ( a percolator will work but it's not exactly the same), heat up some milk and whisk it slightly with a fork and pour it on the coffee.
you're not supposed to dust it with cocoa powder so i'm not sure what the pattern is. (you dust cappucinos)

2007-03-19 05:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by webby 5 · 1 0

flat white is just a latte...heat some milk then froth it with one of the little handheld frothers, then mix in coffee, then add some hot water. The patterns are just chocolate powder sprinkled on top using a coffee stencil. You can buy them or maybe make your own?

2007-03-18 22:07:05 · answer #3 · answered by lcm1984 2 · 1 1

flat white? or latte?? i live in australia and have never seen a flat white with a disign on the top, although i see tonns of latte art.

a flat white is a sigle shot of espresso, topped up with hot water and a shot of milk added.

2007-03-18 21:56:32 · answer #4 · answered by daeman_83 2 · 0 0

just run the spoon over the froth

2007-03-19 07:55:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

half hot milk, half hot water, whisk it all up and there you go!

2007-03-18 21:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by rose_merrick 7 · 0 1