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Okay well im so insecure about myself because like if people really know me im like REALLY WILD!but at school im so serious and i dont want to act crazy because im afraid that people will be like why the hell is she acting like that!But like i hang out with all the popular people and like i just moved to a new school and ya know all popular people are like WILD!and im afraod that they will be like shes such a fool!Plus im scared cause im so fat and like i have a HUGE NOSE((SPP?))so plus that keeps me back but idk if they will actually like me for myself.SO PLEASE HELP HELP HELP!

2007-03-18 14:43:23 · 6 answers · asked by I WONDER! 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

don't ever get into the habit of acting or doing things so people like you. They might like you if you act the way you think they want you to...but at the end you will end up resenting them and yourself. just be yourself I'm sure even if you are chunky and have a big nose you are attractive. Some times we see faults in ourselves because others say we should look a certain way or be a certain way. Be yourself always and if people/family like you and I mean the true you. You will be much happier for it. Don't worry about your looks if you feel you are fat and don't like being fat just cut back on sweets and junk food try to eat healthier. If you don't mind your size then stay as you are and don't let other influence you. When you find yourself thinking bad thoughts, just tell yourself I am a good person God knows me and he knows I'm good and that I try. Look at it this way he knows what you look like and he don't care he loves you all the same. God be with you and bless you may he see you through what you are going through amen. ask him always to be with you and help you he understands what no human can never understand.

2007-03-18 15:05:23 · answer #1 · answered by Sunset 7 · 0 0

Delete the word 'like' from your vocabulary, that would help.
Ignore the feeling that you are not one of the beautiful people. It's what's inside that counts. Your character is very important and, believe it or not, is secondary to physical appearance.
Make the very best of what you have. Eat wisely. Dress with some style. Make personal hygiene a priority. Develop an ability to talk with some knowledge about topics other than school or boys. Get an interest in something outside your normal sphere, such as other cultures.
Other than that, you appear to me to be a typical teenager, with the usual concerns. You want to be liked by everyone. You want to be part of the 'in-crowd'.
Nuts to all that. Find maybe just one person who can be a true friend to you. Cultivate that friendship and TALK about everything and anything. While talking, PLEASE stop saying 'like'. It is so, like, annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, do ignore any answers with the word 'god' in them. Foolish people.

2007-03-18 15:15:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

who's to say that they are the judgement of who you are? who cares ,are they gods? are the better than everyone else? no. so be yourself and if they dont like it then tough ****, not being yourself is throwing your time away if you really think about it. its better to stand out, people end up respecting those people a lot more.

if your so into looking up to popular people then look at celebrities, (such as pink) they stand out and thats the only way they got to where they are now

2007-03-18 14:50:55 · answer #3 · answered by MariPari 2 · 0 0

Well, try to get cool with the popular people. Push yourself to talk to them and when other see you hanging out with them, then it would be normal for others to see you act like them. Just take it slow and don't worry about your appearance, because if you make alot of friends, noone would care how you looked. Good luck friend! :)

2007-03-18 14:49:49 · answer #4 · answered by B RizZzZzLe 1 · 0 0

when you consider which you do no longer comprehend who you're yet. each and every person is often gonna supply you stick approximately some thing. once you eventually study who you're as a guy, that kind of stuff won't worry you in the slightest. Ain't nothin to tension approximately because of the fact they are in basic terms as insecure approximately themselves. they simply take it out on people.

2016-10-02 08:42:39 · answer #5 · answered by logston 4 · 0 0

1.) Act normal :P

2.) Go see a psycologist

2007-03-18 14:49:16 · answer #6 · answered by Ð4MÃN!™ (End the Fed!) 6 · 0 1

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