Sounds like they are the ones with the sinful thoughts. Don't let it get you down. If more people were curtious, like you, people wouldn't assume that by smiling at someone you are a pervert. Keep smiling at people!! Sounds like your church may have some very judgmental people in the congregation. Next time you see them, flash them a nice big smile!! :)
2007-03-18 14:16:11
answer #1
answered by Nidda 2
That's wrong and the last place that should happen to you is at church. You should be able to smile, talk, hug, pray & laugh with other members without being looked at with suspicion.Church should be a place to worship and to socialize with others with the same beliefs. Not a place to feel judged by other members. Many churches have a singles group and singles ministry. Maybe you should find a place like that where you would be more comfortable. If you are happy where you are, then pray for those people and continue to go and to smile.
2007-03-18 21:16:24
answer #2
answered by vanhammer 7
Has anyone actually come right out and said this is how they are interpreting your greetings? Or are you, for some reason, just assuming this is how your greetings are being received?
I will admit that sometimes church families can have a difficult time making "singles" feel a part of the family and this can in turn create many insecurities for the single person.
Pray about it, friend. God knows your heart and your intentions. Man will fail us time and time again, but our Father in heaven will never misunderstand us or let us down.
2007-03-18 21:12:56
answer #3
answered by NONAME 4
Bring the issue to your pastor or one of the elders in the church, you may be judging the members for something which is not happening.
On the other hand it may be a real problem, and if not addressed you could be allowing the sin to continue, which you will have some responsibility for not bringing it up.
Remember, we are accountable to each other to bring others to Christ and keep the church pure.
God bless
2007-03-18 21:34:49
answer #4
answered by stbill 3
Ask the people who are criticizing the smiling single. Of all the things to discuss in church, this seems like a waste of time, not to mention rude. I don't think I would spend too much time with those gossips.
2007-03-18 21:17:56
answer #5
answered by chicky 2
I had something similar happen to me growing up. I "developed" before all my friends and because I didn't wear turtlenecks I was the talk of all the mothers. I ended up leaving this particular church and finding a new one. There are always going to be judgmental hypocrites but you just have to find a chruch that fits you and your personal needs. Good luck to you and I hope you find a place you can be happy!
2007-03-18 21:26:37
answer #6
answered by Tiffany 4
The first ones in Church to seek out Sin, are the Sinners.
2007-03-18 21:23:11
answer #7
answered by pszch 3
To start, don't worry about what others say or think...God is the only one that knows your heart and nobody else does. Some people judge and you shouldn't let it get to you. Just pray about it and God will help you through anything. You know that you arn't thinking like that; so that's all that matters. God loves you nomatter what and you can live without those people that may be judgeing you but you can't live without God unless you want to be unhappy! Good luck and just keep on praying. God will see you through and God loves you.
2007-03-18 21:24:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It is a fact, it might not be right but since we have diferent personalities and perception. It happens.It is the fact of life. It does not mean that people in church are already saints, we have to deal with our demons in our everyday struggle. They might be right, they might be wrong but if you are not guilty of it, do not bother them. Maybe they do not know you really. If your conscience is clear there is nothing to worry about. Time will tell that they are wrong.
2007-03-18 21:25:43
answer #9
answered by Rev. Fr. Jessie Somosierra 1
They must have some insecurities, I guess. Same thing happened to me when I was single. I don't really know why it happens. It's extremely annoying. Makes you feel like you shouldn't smile at people and then that aggravates you because, why shouldn't you smile? arghhhh
2007-03-18 21:18:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous