Definitely look at your credit score. If your fico score is good the next thing is to get pre approved loan to see how much $$ you can be approved for. When you do find a house and you have the loan contract in front of you, study the contract and make sure you understand the contract 100%. If you have doubts then have someone else look over the contract. As you are aware by now, lots of home are going on foreclosure due to the owners were not aware or did not understand the finance contract the buyers were signing. You have taken the first step in educating yourself in regards to purchasing a home. Home buying is a scary especially when it is your first time. Educating yourself will help make owning a home much easier.
2007-03-18 14:54:35
answer #1
answered by gus 2
If you're with a large city call your Community Development Dept. They have access to homes with downpayment assistance via HUD and they can tell you about other first time homebuyer programs.
Could advise you better if you were in NC.
2007-03-18 20:56:51
answer #2
answered by Venita Peyton 6
congrads on taking this big step in your life! You want to make sure you get preapproved before you do anything... its important to know how much of a house you can afford, next would be a realtor and the area you want to live in.. i found a good site with a bunch of buying tips hope it helps!
2007-03-18 21:15:35
answer #3
answered by Pure Genius 3
congratulations...there is always a firts time
2007-03-18 20:57:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous