I think you know. I think you are fishing for confirmation of something you know so stop being in denial and do what you have to do, unless you are so insecure you need a complete and utter stranger, or strangers, on the internet to tell you what to do! Best of luck, and I hope it works out for you - trust your instincts, they are seldom wrong!
2007-03-18 13:14:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You missed a 3rd option I'm afraid.....
That someone is 'head over heels in love with you' ~
AND is going to Use you AND be Obsessive too.
I've no idea what 'the Signs' are. But if they can be spotted, recognised and quantified in some form, then someone can make a fortune with a book on it.
2007-03-18 16:01:23
answer #2
answered by sashtou 7
Basically, does he show you respect. If I am dating a man and lets me down once fine, again he is out - I don't do messers. I usually run out of patience with them before they get a chance to mess me around for too long. The bad boys might be more fund to date but you really wouldn't want to end up with one - they will never respect you.
2007-03-18 12:59:34
answer #3
answered by Bexs 5
I agree with the first answerer, don't be in a hurry to sleep with a man and you'll know whether he's serious or just out for a leg over.
2007-03-21 11:23:33
answer #4
answered by Snake eyes 3
Simple. A person loves you when he or she puts your needs and happiness first. They find pleasure in pleasing you and are not at all self focused. Very rare to find this in a person. If they are truly putting you first, then they can not possibly be using you.
2007-03-18 13:01:28
answer #5
answered by econgal 5
1 ... the 1st 6-12 months ....
2 ... the rest of the time ... once the lust has worn off..
same as women basically
dR bad
straight no chaser
2007-03-18 13:00:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Love is in the touch and the voice
2007-03-18 13:00:37
answer #7
answered by Gypsy Gal 6
Simple. Don't sleep with him for a good long while. If he sticks around, he really likes you.
2007-03-18 12:57:00
answer #8
answered by donewiththismess 5
If he sticks around without any sex!
2007-03-18 13:01:43
answer #9
answered by Choccywoccy 3