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i'm looking to buy an older car to fix up for the first time, i don't really have a very good knowledge of how to fix up a car or what to look for. it will hopefully end up being my main driving car. any suggestions or tips or anything would be nice.

2007-03-18 12:50:19 · 2 answers · asked by monkeychik89 2 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

2 answers

first off you didn't mention what era of car you want. Classic car, Before computer car? or not so recent mod car.

Myself I like before computer cars. Parts still readily available and fixing is rather easy. Classic cars however are equally as fun but not conventional as a daily driver.

It all depends upon what you want to drive and what can be found, say on eBay. But in your case make sure it has a darn near perfect body. You can do drive train changes a lot easier than fixing buckets of rust in rust buckets. Secondly, make sure the car has a good reputation as being reliable. For example, never buy a YUGO. But perhaps a nova or a comaro. Call the local larger junk yard and ask them questions about the type of car you like and it's good and bad that is often replaced. Especially old school junk yards that has been around forever.

2007-03-18 13:02:43 · answer #1 · answered by Kill_Me_Now! 5 · 0 0

My first project car was a 1950 Nash in 1957. It had been wrecked and given to me. I learned a lot about cars, tools, neighbors and friends,. I couldn't do it all myself and had to enlist many experienced helpers to guide me. I learned what tools to buy and why, what could be fixed and what had to be replaced and how to fix it. It is still my hobby and I am working on a 1956 Ford now. It will have all the goodies that it did not come with. Sunroof, television, DVD, CD, MP3, air conditioning, bright lights and backup lights. Lots of good stuff to make it a daily driver and long distance cruiser. Sometimes I have too much fun.

2007-03-18 20:11:08 · answer #2 · answered by Kenny Ray 3 · 0 0

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