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18 answers

I agree. Kick all the illegals out of this country and build a big wall. Shoot anyone that tries to cross illegally. Then we'd have more jobs for high school dropouts.

2007-03-18 11:11:59 · answer #1 · answered by Abu 5 · 5 0

Great Question Hbee Ms. Elway has been doin' Her Homework.. Your answer is well constructed, informative, and Factual. Others could take note of what it means TO CARE, To Have Hope, To Show a Spirit and Attitude, and The Intestinal Fortitude, it Takes to Save Our Republic, This Battle (As MANY of Us Know-Thank God) is different from any other in Our 230+yr. History.. For The "Real Enemy" is that From Within....GREAT Job EL.... For those who had The Slant of Cheepo Corp. Labor, and the same basic Mind set , and Logical Thought Proccessing.. Thank You, Keep up the Good Work... I didnt have time to read all posts word 4 w, so May I be so bold to say "You middle-o-the-roaders" Just Dig DEEPER with Your Research. I havent read a US paper 4ever There are Many International , INDEPENDENT, publications, LOOK for UN-BIASED REPORTING That may be the wrong words..Because ANTI-Fascism or Anti Zionism Anti- NewWorldOrder/Nazism/Skull and Bones Society, if you Detest ALL those US Constitution Threateners, it may be called a Bias by some,,But it is a Worthy BIAS.. I Served Six Yrs. U.S. Army 69-'75, some of you may have heard of NAM. 4 those of you who havent,or got a prob w/that just BUTT-OUT . You HannphaggityFans will surely be dealt with later... This Country has aFoundation, Laws And a CONSTITUTION.This Government is OF THE PEOPLE,, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Are THE GOVERNMENT. These PARTYs are ALL WELL ang GOOD ...***************** ZIONIST * NAZISM *SATANIC * ELITIST * FASCIST, CORPORATE OIL Grubbin Maniacs IS NOT IS NOT WHAT THIS COUNTRY Was Meant to BE... WE Call To ALL Patriots, Those Who are willing To DEFEND and Protect and PRESERVE Our CONSTITUTION of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA.... AT ALL COSTS !!oops better answer the Ques. Borders are Left OPEN on Purpose., to disrupt the economy, All Part of the Ongoing Efforts of The ILLUMINATI Elite, as too DEVIDE and CONQUER. These Monsters OWN BOTH Dem,& Rep PARTYS (exmpl BOTH KERRY - BUSH MEMBERS of The SKULL and BONES SOCIETY. Most Congress, Media, Banking, OWNED, BOUGHT, SOLD, and signed sealed and deeelivered.. were in deep shittt Folks,,, I only See ONE(sensible-non viont)WAY To STOP THEM--Details Upon Request .. http://georgewalkerbush.net/

2007-03-18 15:46:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not making protecting our borders and ports a top priority is a grave mistake, very grave. I hope we don't pay for it with loss of life from terrorism once again. Consider the following excerpts from the links I have provided:


Porous borders that could allow terrorists into the United States is a prime concern for Webb County Sheriff Rick Flores and his counterparts.

What worries Flores is people other than Mexicans coming across the border with dirty bombs or weapons of mass destruction.
"Mexico has already apprehended Iraqis in Mexico," Flores said.



But first, Texas Republican Congressman John Culberson has introduced legislation to help law enforcement officials identify and to detain people who are sneaking in the U.S. illegally. He says known terrorists have recently been apprehended at our borders. And he joins us now with the details.

REP. JOHN CULBERSON (R), TEXAS: Well, in fact the FBI director, Robert Mueller, first testified to our subcommittee in appropriations that the FBI has knowledge of individuals from countries with known Al Qaeda connections who have entered the United States leaving false Hispanic identities, pretending to be illegal immigrants and entering the country and disappearing.

CULBERSON: I then followed that lead to the river, went to Laredo, went to the Rio Grande River, saw firsthand the war on terror going on there. And the Hudspeth County sheriff, Arvin West, and the Brewster County, Ronnie Dodson, confirmed for me that they had an Al Qaeda terrorist, an Iraqi national who was on the FBI's terrorist list as an Al Qaeda member in the Brewster County jail. He had been apprehended by Mexican authorities, handed over by the Mexican authorities to the Hudspeth County sheriff, with whom the Mexican authorities had a good working relationship...

2007-03-18 11:41:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What's up is the New World Order. What's up is global corporate governance or a return to feudalism. "Fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here" and meanwhile let's give Dubai some port concessions and let's allow millions of illegal immigrants to "migrate" into the homeland. What's up is Bush is a globalist not an American. And what's up is our government is riddled with cititzens of the world. Just like him.

2007-03-18 11:15:50 · answer #4 · answered by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 · 2 0

Bush loves Mexico and Mexicans.
Bush does what Bush wants.
Very soon, no southern border on Mexico.
Check out....[ spp.gov ]
Check out....Lou Dobbs.. on CNN
Fox news, won't touch this story...
I believe, Bush told them not to.

2007-03-18 11:23:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bush seems to think the money coming in to the republicans party from donations by large corporations to keep cheap labor in this county is more important than national security.

2007-03-18 11:19:34 · answer #6 · answered by sam s 2 · 4 0

Because he has this crazy idea that terrorists will fight on our terms, on the battlefield we choose - when the opposite is true, which is what makes them so dangerous. He wants to fight a convential war with an unconventional enemy, and you just can't do that. Plus he's a complete idiot.

2007-03-18 11:16:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Most important is that the Mexicans are not terrorists
and come here for jobs. Those are murdering terrorists
in Iraq that's goal is to whip US and Israel off the map
of the world? Now, which protection do you think is
the most important?

2007-03-18 11:16:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Hes protecting his own interests. He doesn't give a damn about us.

Here's why: They knew about 9/11 and did nothing to stop it. Then, used it as an excuse to start war in Afganistan and Iraq.

2007-03-18 11:12:25 · answer #9 · answered by gabriell_021 2 · 4 2

I support Bush and his efforts to keep the war on terrorism
"over there" rather than "over here" however he should
be impeached for his failure to control illegal immigration
and the security of our southern border..

2007-03-18 11:12:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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