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He flatout sucker punched stephan robidas last night and the refs didnt do it justice. The league should come down with a heavy fine and suspension.

2007-03-18 09:45:29 · 26 answers · asked by Michael A 1 in Sports Hockey

Modano didnt slash his head...look at the video and get it right. he barely hit him on the back...and for the people saying it was a fight get over it...it wasnt a fight. a fight is when two individuals drop the gloves and duke it out...tootoo sucker punched robidas...cuz he looked out of the corner of his right eye to see he was coming and spun and punched him...thats not a fight its a cheap shot and he deserved more than a 5 game suspension.

2007-03-20 19:54:41 · update #1

26 answers

yes! why shouldn't he be suspend? he SUCKER PUNCHED Robidas for backing up his teammate. he knew what he was doing. the replay proves it. he saw Robidas coming and then chose to punch him for doing something that he would have done had he himself been in that situation. Tootoo deserved the five day suspension that he got. as for Modano's actions he shouldn't have hit Tootoo with his stick. Modano should have gotten a penalty for that but not a suspension. Mo's reaction was way more instinctive than Tootoo's and far less severe. and Texans aren't just a bunch of hillbillies who love NASCAR by the way.

2007-03-24 18:17:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

How can you call it a sucker punch when robidas was hit in the face with a straight right hand?
Stephan was the one going for the cheap shot! He was charging at Tootoo when his back was turned. Jordin just happened to turn around in time to see Stephan coming. Maybe he will think twice the next time he attempts to sneak up behind another player and give a cheap shot.
I can't believe that everyone is crying about this hit. This is hockey and players get hit all the time. Just because Robidas has a glass jaw and can't take a punch (from a gloved hand) everyone is crying foul. Maybe Dallas should get some men on the ice to protect Modono and leave the boys on the bench.
By the way, I was at this game and this hit alone made it worth the price of admission. GO PREDS!

2007-03-20 01:41:54 · answer #2 · answered by fireman9982 2 · 2 0

I agree with Bob Loblaw what you have the remeber here is. 1) intent. Did Tootoo mean to hurt the other player? No vrs 2) Outcome was the player hurt? yes Tootoo punch was a boarderline punch that comes when the league has a black eye so he going to spend some time seating. Finally would Robids have been hurt had he not been try to savagly hit Tootoo from behind. Had Robidas hit Tootoo it would we would be talking about how long Robidas should be gone for. In short I think in the game the Ref should have given Tootoo 2,5,10 and game and leve it at that but because of what Simon did Tootoo will likly get games

2007-03-18 19:35:23 · answer #3 · answered by Bruce W 2 · 0 0

Should or should not is not for us to judge, thats for the head office of the NHL. We, as fans, do have a right to disagree, but should also respect the decisions of the league. As for sucker punch? I don't know if I'd quite use that term. What do you think Robidas was going to do had Tootoo not turned around to face him? Tap him on the shoulder then ask him to drop the gloves? Get over it. Robidas was gonna try and nail him, Tootoo almost did him a favor by turning. Intent to injure? Haha, you must be kidding. That's ridiculous. You think he knew someone was going to charge at him just for throwing a check? It was complete reaction when he saw an opposing player coming towards him. Pre-emptive measure, at best. Bottom line is this - I'm tired of people, so called fans, jumping on every action that leaves someone on the ice. Or maybe the NHL should implement a rule stating top line must play against the top line, with no hitting, any other lines are allowed to hit any others. If the top line would stop expecting people to stick up for them, these incidents would not occur.

*The thing is this - Players should be fined or suspended because of the action itself, not the result. Ask yourself this - If Robidas had jumped right back up and he and Tootoo fought, would you even be talking about this? You know as well as I do, the answer is no, you would not.

So since you're complaining and crying holy injustice about what happened in that game, why do you not mention this incident from 1 week earlier? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovctX-t5N1U Or did that not matter to you because you're a biased Dallas fan who only pays attention to their games and not the rest of the league? If there is a difference between the 2 incidents, please let me know what it is and what would constitute a suspension for one but not the other.

2007-03-18 12:25:18 · answer #4 · answered by Now I'm Wondering 6 · 2 1

Absolutely. To those who are referencing other incidents: yes, I do think that sucker punches deserve a suspension. In some other leagues, just dropping your gloves warrants getting kicked out of the game, and intent to injure results in a match penalty--the player is suspended indefinitely. Granted, they're not pros, but still...I don't see any case where sucker punching is okay. The Youtube link to that Caps game isn't much different, and I think that warrants a suspension too. If someone on the Stars had done that to a Predator, I would probably take the same stance.

2007-03-25 06:43:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Suspended, yeah, I guess so. But what would have happened if he didn't turn around, what if he was the one lying on the ice? What then? I'm sure that everyone would be wanting Stephan to pay for his actions. What about Modano? Yeah he got hit, hard, but what does he expect, it's hockey! He crossed the line when he tried to slash the heck out of Tootoo's head. Good thing he missed. When is it going to be alright for hockey players to play the "rough" sport that they signed on to play. The "all star", "the goon", no matter who is on that ice, they did agree to play, knowing that it is a contact sport. Or would it be hockey otherwise? Let the League decide how they enforce their rules, and everyone else just remain in the stands, or on their couch! Not everyone can be Don Cherry.

2007-03-20 11:25:41 · answer #6 · answered by teddi_bear_8 1 · 0 1

IT WAS NOT A 'SUCKER PUNCH'. Robadis knew what he was heading for.........a fight. Just because he got knocked out by one punch and didnt get a chance to fight, dosent make it a sucker punch. Bertuzzi was a sucker hit.If there going to suspend Jordan Tootoo, they should suspend Madano for using his stick as a weapon on Tootoo. C'mon people, look at it from all angles. This shouldnt be a race issue, this should be an equal hockey issue.

2007-03-20 01:49:50 · answer #7 · answered by Patricia 1 · 2 0

That was a clean hit and Robidas was coming at him with bad intentions. Then Modano hits Tootoo in the back with his stick, I think Robidas got what he deserved!!! If there is a suspension then Modano needs one too.

2007-03-20 10:50:36 · answer #8 · answered by zs 1 · 1 0

should he be suspended....absolutely not. what did tootoo do wrong? he wasnt going after modano its called playing the body. it was a clean hit and a great one at that on a great player, everyone gets hit oh well. tootoo turned to see somone charging at him and reacted...how else was he supposed to react?!?! it wasnt a cheap shot, he kept the glove and and drilled him. maybe robidas shouldnt have skated so hard into it and he wouldnt have knocked himself out. now if they would have just wrestled and then dropped the gloves or if robidas didnt knock himself out then none of this would be being argued. everything was clean except for little mikey swinging his stick around like a sword...

2007-03-19 14:18:22 · answer #9 · answered by you will never know 2 · 2 0

No. He was not the aggressor and it was a defensive punch in his mouth. Will he? Yes. I say 3 games. Let's not make a big deal out of it though because it was not. Also, when a guy is skating at you to hit you illegally and you punch him in his face before he labels you, I don't think "sucker punch" is the right word there.
Now I'm^^^ You are watching too much of the show "The Reporters" because you have some plagiarism going on there.

2007-03-18 12:26:07 · answer #10 · answered by Bob Loblaw 7 · 2 0

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