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10 answers

4 reasons seem to jump out at me for his improvement.

1st: He's getting more playing time. Even strength and power play time is increased and that always helps.

2nd: He's getting a fresh start. Once you're struggling and there's more pressure for you to contribute, it just makes it worse. He has no pressure now and can just go out and have fun again.

3rd: Chemistry. He's able to click with his linemates and when you're seeing eye to eye, production does as well.

4th: Hockey is a team sport and you have a role to play in that team. The Predators style of play may have asked Upshall to perform one way as opposed to how he feels comfortable playing. The Flyers system may be exactly the complementary system that Upshall feels most comfortable playing in, hence the increase in production.

2007-03-18 09:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by TDK 6 · 0 0

If a player is happy and willing to put forth the effort of playing with a team they like and now respect a lot of good things can happen. Who would want to play bad in front of Philly fans, talk about hearing an ear full. When are the Flyers going to get some defense? Biron should help you in the long run but it is funny how a year ago they almost won the Atlantic and now they will be lucky to win 25 games.

New Jersey Devils Fan!

2007-03-18 15:47:54 · answer #2 · answered by SKULL 4 · 0 0

Firstly, he is getting more ice time with the Flyers on their top lines with some PP time. Secondly, sometimes a player just needs a change of scenery. Why is Calder playing so much better with the Wings is the one that gets me.
Skull-Biron will help in the long run??? Unless the long run is 10 games or that they have signed him and I didn't hear then what are you talking about?? He is an UFA after the season.

2007-03-18 15:49:32 · answer #3 · answered by Bob Loblaw 7 · 0 0

I think a lot of it has to do with team chemistry. Nashville are a great team, but the Flyers desperately needed some defense. Upshall is a great leader, but I suspect he was not classed as such in Nashville. However, given that role in Philadelphia completes him as a player, as he can express himself both on and off the ice.

2007-03-18 15:55:31 · answer #4 · answered by m_and_j_1218 2 · 0 0

basically, from my perspective because the preds had a talented roster primarily used him as a 3rd or 4th liner not a lot of ice time, but in philly he is the man, more ice time means more productive plus he knows that philly only has a few superstars not a alot like in nashville, less pressure more fun and creativity good for him.

2007-03-18 16:02:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have no clue but maybe its pressure? The preds are a great team so he has pressure to play good...while the flyers are struggling this year so its not as much pressure since they arent making the playoffs.

2007-03-18 15:47:27 · answer #6 · answered by padraig♥ 4 · 0 0

He is getting much more ice time and more responsibility in critical times of games. He wasn't given that in Nashville where he was pretty much a checking winger. He does have some talent, doesn't he? He has been impressive to watch and I think he has a huge upside.

2007-03-19 01:33:50 · answer #7 · answered by Steve S 4 · 0 0

Probably because the rest of the team stinks more than the Preds do. One diamond in 100 diamonds and it's just another diamond, but one diamond in a bunch of flint, and it will stand out.

2007-03-18 16:06:06 · answer #8 · answered by MajorTom © 6 · 1 0

Two words: ICE TIME.

2007-03-18 16:31:48 · answer #9 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 1 0

im guessing ice time.

2007-03-22 15:01:04 · answer #10 · answered by bhockey67 1 · 0 0

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