Setup a website of your work. You can guarantee that any trustworthy client is going to research you before giving you money, so give them something to look at that you've personalized. You can search for "free web hosting" or find a cheap hosting provider and get your own domain name, too (recommended). Use a good networking website like to post "gigs" of yourself and often, search for freelance work, and network with others. Try networking with web developers who are less design savvy and in a similar similar situations as you to improve your website in exchange for improving the design of theirs. Even if web site design is not your main interest, just having a site is the fastest way for anyone in the world to find you.
Also, make sure you research your client first before accepting a job. Setup an LLC in your state of residence to protect your assets from lawsuits (it's also nice just to have to claim you have a legitimate business) and check to see if they've setup a similar sort of business. If you have the money (or eventually get it), invest in an attorney and get your work copyrighted. Obviously big name companies are the most preferred clients, but if you need to trust someone's ability to pay, offer a bit of trust in return. For example, I have always offered the first hour of my time as a take-it-or-leave-it deal. If they don't like the work I started, they don't get it and they don't have to pay. If they're satisfied, they pay me for the work and every X amount of hours I will expect the next payment.
The key in all of this, of course, is to exert confidence and strength. People are more likely to trust you and less likely to cross your path.
2007-03-18 09:49:58
answer #1
answered by Steve H 1
i hate to say this but freelance will never be trusted because you will always be working for random people
2007-03-18 15:30:35
answer #2
answered by drewhack 3