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The ones where they offer u free gifts for doing the survey. I always run into them online, but never bother to fill any out because I figured that they are just some kind of scam-or just not worth the time. But I was going to take this Simpson Ultimate fan quiz for fun, and it had one of those free gift offer with survey completion things, and since I was going to do the quiz anyway- I thought that it wouldn't hurt to give them my email for the free laptop. But before I do- I was wondering if anyone had ever done it, and actually received the free gift? cause if that crap actually works, then i could possibly save a lot of money on big purchases by just filling out a few annoying surveys. Cause if there's a free laptop involved, then it's worth it. (I REALLY need a computer; the one I'm using is my roommate's;)

2007-03-18 07:04:17 · 15 answers · asked by Sugarbaby 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

15 answers

Yes you can make money, get prizes from doing online surveys..the trick is to open a 2nd email account..of course if you want to make money regularly, join a survey site! I belong to 3 survey sites and make a good extra monthly income! For more information, check out the link posted below!

2007-03-21 18:32:42 · answer #1 · answered by luv_a_win 5 · 0 0


2016-07-23 20:20:34 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well, I haven't done it myself, but I have read two posts from people on here who did it. No, they didn't get the laptop. One said they had to go through page after page of offers to sign up for and finally gave up (I'm guessing if there was a lap-top in it for them they would only get it after signing up for enough offers that the commission would pay the site more than the laptop cost). The other person gave their credit card info and who knows what happened to it. So, I wouldn't do it.

2007-03-19 13:16:07 · answer #3 · answered by Ecaria 4 · 0 0

I belong to a couple of survey sites where they pay you cash to do surveys. I can refer you if you like. Avoid the ones that ask a lot of marketing questions as those will be a sure receipe for spam in your email...who wants more of that these days lol...don't fall for the free gifts, cause if its too good to be true it probably is!

2007-03-18 07:08:20 · answer #4 · answered by D M 2 · 0 0

They're supposed to give you what they offer or that's false advertisement and you can sue. Be sure to read the fine print.
Co.'s spend tons of money on market research. So maybe the survey is a part of that.

2007-03-18 07:20:23 · answer #5 · answered by silkeng 2 · 0 0

I think most are a scam as you haev to do so much to win the laptop and then meet all theri requirements of doing surveys etc and getitng a ton of SPAM in your inbox. Not really worth it.

2007-03-18 07:13:20 · answer #6 · answered by chellyk 5 · 1 0

Umm no they dopnt work. Thjey arnt scams either they are viruses so dont use them theyll reck the comp so just exit them i used 2 do them weh n i didnt no stuff about computer's but mnow im a guinieus with computers so odnt use them there viruses along with any other pop ups or adds ok.

2007-03-18 07:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by happy_dude92 1 · 0 0

I did once. Now I get up to 100 junk E-mails a day, and when I'm not on the internet the phone is always ringing of the hook. (I'm still waiting for my brand new laptop.)

2007-03-18 07:21:37 · answer #8 · answered by Sporty 3 · 0 0

it's a VERY VERY helpful forum where people discuss EVERY which way to make money online...legally anyway. There's a lot about mystery shopping, paid to read email, surveys, test products,etc...There's a thread where everyone leaves feedback and discusses the different paying sites they're members of. It helps when you see hundreds of people saying positive things about a site, especially when you're questioning it's...legit...ness(?)lol. i've found a couple of extra survey/trial sites that i've joined on there, and have gotten paid from them. If i were to recommend the best ones though, it'd DEFINITELY be
1.) Pinecone Research-after you look into making money online more, you'll see this one is one of the most sought after sites to join. It's the best, IMO. the ONLY catch it, you can't just sign up from their site...you have to find the elusive banner to join. (i googled it and found it pretty easily) but if you're accepted (and it's 100%free) you'll get your first survey soon and they pay $5.00 //survey you do...they pay after each one (they send them to you, you can't just do as many as you want :-( but you WILL get either a check or they pay via paypal as well (what i do) in less than 3 days after completely the survey. i dont think you'll ever hear anything bad or negative about this site (except that some people don't get accepted, sometimes they're looking for certain people)..but def.search for that one. you'll def. want to join a few other sites along with this one, since they decide how many surveys you get each month (it's just the easiest and fastest, so why not do it)
the next site i'd recommend it the first paying survey/trial site i joined (and worked)...i earn the most money on this one (probably because i'm a bit biased since it was my first one that i joined and got paid from)
first off, make up a couple extra emails to use strictly for junkmail (i've never even checked the ones i made and use on there) i say a couple, because several of the surveys you take are from the same company so if you use different emails it'll approve faster (and i clear my cookies after each survey, and it helps more approve)
then all you do if enter your info and answer a bunch of those yes/no to free offers (usually youdont even have to go that far with it, just enter your info...or click NO or pass to everything)
I've been a member since February 14th this year, and i've made 168.00 so far (i've already gotten my first check) and that's just from doing free offers. if you refer friends/family you get 20% of what they earn and 5% of what THEIR referrals earn. great site, highly recommended. oh, they also have a forum there, with a proof of payment thread.
and another site i'm a member of and have gotten paid a bit from is
http://www.cash crate.com/index.php?ref=155478 (note:dont' put the "space" between "cash" and "crate".i couldnt post hte link i HAVE recieved my first check from them for $60.00, i don't get on there as much as treasure trooper (if idid i would obviously make more money)they also have a referal system %20 1st level referrals and %10 second level...after so many referrals you go up levels...%30 1st level and %20 second.
and last but not least is the site i spend the least time on (and i have gotten paid from them) but i've gotten paid the least (since i dont get on there much)
i've gotten paid $40 from them. same deal as the others, a little different withthe referal system though, you get $1 for every referal and i think it's $2 for every offer they complete. not sure on that part though, i know i've gotten paid though, lol. well, hope you enjoy venturing into the world of working online. it's addicting, i'm currently working on some new sites and building up my balance and seeing if they pay.

(NOTE: I haven't invested ONE penny in any of this)
i make almost $300 extra a month between all of those)

2007-03-20 13:26:01 · answer #9 · answered by NurseNecro 1 · 0 2

Fill Surveys Get Paid - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?pedS

2016-07-06 09:39:18 · answer #10 · answered by Victoria 3 · 0 0

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