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Im 13 and I want to have sex with my boyfriend but I'm scared that I won't have an orgasm. How old do you have to be? And what causes you to have an orgasm?

2007-03-18 06:47:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

26 answers

First of all, why are you having sex at age 13? I'm not a prude or anything... but to be honest with you, I didn't have my first 'O' until I was married to a man that I love very much. (Believe it or not, I never had one with my 1st husband and any boyfriends before that.)
If you aren's sure what it is, how old to be, and what causes it, you should not be having sex. The female O is very different from the male one but I won't go into that.
Based on my experience and that of countless other women, sex is best when you are in a secure and loving relationship. Don't let anyone, especially your friends tell you any differently.
If I were you, as hard as it seems, I would do two things:
1. Tell a trusted grown-up or parent about what you are considering. (If my daughter asked me, I would feel glad that she trusted me enough to ask me rather than her friends. You could even start off that way... "Mom, I love you and I really need to talk about something. I trust you..." This would shows LOTS of maturity as well.)
2. Think about why this is important to you. I grew up in a very dysfunctional home and felt that having sex was a way to feel love and fulfillment... Wrong!

If you decide to go through, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use protection... Guys will say ANYTHING to keep from wearing a condom but you will be the one left with any effects (pregnancy, diseases). I tell my students very simply:
In any adult situation, be prepared for adult consequences.

Because you are asking, that tells me that you have concerns and that is the first step in making good decisions.

Take care, I'll be thinking of you...
Mon :-)

2007-03-18 07:05:00 · answer #1 · answered by santan_cat 4 · 2 1

Anyone can experience an orgasm at any age however most girls do not when they first have sex because they are nervous or scared. You are very young to become sexually actice so if you are going to do this make sure that you have safe sex and if you can,talk to an older friend or relative that to trust first to get all the medical ane emotional info you need for this step in your life

2007-03-18 13:54:11 · answer #2 · answered by kari w 4 · 3 1

You are 13 years old... and talking about having sex with your boy. Geez. I definitely dont think you are ready to have sex. And I think at your age... you and your boyfriend probably wont know what the heck you are doing anyway. You can have an orgasm at any age. Use protection... Be safe... Overall, if you are that bored with each other or you think you love him to have sex... maybe you should really think about things... Cause at this moment you arent making a smart decision...

2007-03-18 14:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm (almost) gob smacked you are 13 years old?
Time you learned a few facts of life then isn't it?
The main one is that 'orgasm' isn't the 'main aim' of the game, in fact it isn't a 'game' at all!
And you will come to learn that the last thing on a fellers mind is weather you have an orgasm or not!
A feller is more concerned about his own satisfaction, not yours!!
And if you and your boy friend ever put this idea into practise at your age you are both in deep trouble!!
Grow up!!!
Who ever put all this cr*p into your head ??
We have too many peodos in the world without you making their day!!

2007-03-18 14:09:58 · answer #4 · answered by budding author 7 · 3 1

If your boyfriend is stupid enough to have sex with a 13 year old, then he will be too stupid (and probably selfish) to give you an orgasm. For goodness sake wait until you are at least 16, and then wait until you are with the right person. It takes a considerate lover to give you an orgasm!

2007-03-18 13:56:40 · answer #5 · answered by Copper 4 · 12 1

13 is very very young to be having sex at all - let alone worrying about whether you will have an orgasm or not.

You do not need to orgasm to enjoy sex (and there is no age~limits on orgasms btw), it's the icing on the cake - give it a few years before you find out though - please!

If someone has sex with you they could be charged with statutory rape, does that tell you something.

I can practically guarantee you that you will regret this, i know you are a teenager and you think you have it all worked out, but you really don't.

Please, please, trust me on this.


2007-03-18 13:57:40 · answer #6 · answered by rainbowarrior73 4 · 8 1

you seem young to have sex, but if you really want to i will tell you how to orgasm

most girls dont orgasms the first time. not even the second or third time! it just takes practice. and it depends how long the guy can go. dont tell him if you dont have an orgasm, because it feels good being that close to someone even if you dont feel the sensation. to have an orgasm you have to have the friction of him rubbing against your clit. its not all about the hole

it might hurt so be careful! and ask him to be gentle

i suggest you not to have sex. but there is the answer to your question

2007-03-18 13:56:01 · answer #7 · answered by Naé 1 · 10 2

You CAN physically have an orgasm, BUT if your man will probably NOT give you one. Don't expect it. Besides... Your first time is normally uncomfortable. I think you should wait until you know a little more about your own body and sex in general.

2007-03-18 13:53:54 · answer #8 · answered by ireshannon 2 · 12 2

don't have sex at 13 your too young

explore your body yourself if you really want to find out about a orgasm this way its safe for you and you find out

don't get into sex and don't be pressured into trying it

2007-03-18 14:08:18 · answer #9 · answered by andygames07 3 · 8 1

Your 13 years old and should not even be thinking of orgasms, it is illegal if I were you I would speak to my mum see what she has to say

2007-03-19 04:59:22 · answer #10 · answered by Janet C 2 · 3 2

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