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2 answers

They number to many to tell. But I'll tell you the first dramatic encounter I remember.

When I was about 8 we moved into a new house where an old alcholic had lived, he died living in a hotel about 3 months after we moved in. About that time things started to get uncomfortable.

At the time, in my home province, you could do your own electrical so long as it pass inspection after. So this was the first renovation my parents we doing. As we were doing renovation, my parents took the biggest room, but a sheet of clap board up as a wall in the middle and made bedrooms for my sister and I until our rooms were done. The door was on my side, her door was a curtain from my room.

One night we went to bed and my parents were working on the wiring at the bottom of the stairs, my bedroom was at the top. I kept hearing my Dad calling out to me, but I was so tired I pretended not to hear and tried to go to sleep. Finally my sister got annoyed with it and told me to go see what Dad wanted. So I got up and went to go check, but he wasn't at the bottom of the stairs, I looked all over and both he and my Mom were in the basement lifting weights. Neither had called me and thought I'd been asleep. So I went back to bed and thought I dreamt it, until my sister asked what Dad had wanted. A few minutes after I got in bed I could see the shadow of feet under my door, I got scared because I hadn't heard anyone come up the stairs and they were really creeky.

I had put a round Varnet (remember that old brand name?) on my door knob and I could see the sticker turning but I couldn't hear the door knob turning. I called out to my sister and it stopped. I guess she had been watching it too, as she jumped up and grabbed a hold of the door knob to try to keep it from turning, but she couldn't. We both ran and dove into her bed and huddled with the blankets over our heads. We heard what sounded like someone tearing up the floor. After a while it stopped and we finally went to sleep. The next morning we discovered a "trick" board in the floor that came up - there was a lot of alcohol down there.

2007-03-18 09:13:52 · answer #1 · answered by Noota Oolah 6 · 0 0

My personal ghost stories are too many to tell on this little board, I would not have enough time to tell them all.

Mostly my ghost stories are about a few haunted houses I have been in, one that I lived in for sure, and then there are the dead relatives that visit me.

When I was a child, I did not realize that there was a difference between the dead and the living for awhile I scared my parents alot. They taught me what was "real" and what was my "imagination".

LOL! Knowing about things when you are too young to have experienced them, like open-air markets and dirt streets on a western town with wooden walkways, that is not imagination, that is memories from a previous life perhaps......

But I digress...................

2007-03-18 13:32:06 · answer #2 · answered by Pixie 7 · 0 0

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