It's in the part of the brain called hypothalamus underneath the cortex. Cortex, contrary to the answers here, does not play any part in dreams. The visual cortex only responds to visual stimuli that travels through the optic nerve when a light hits the retina of the eyes. So the visual cortex does not participate during sleep or when your eyes are shut. It's all about your memory center. The images in your dreams are images that you percieved when you were awake, stored in your memory center, which in turn provides the images in dreams when you're asleep.
2007-03-18 03:52:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Visual images reside in the brain, not the eye. Light itself only stimulates the optic nerve and the data is processed and converted into an image by the brain. The wavelengths of light reaching the optic nerve are just that, wavelengths of light... it's your brain that constructs the actual image. When you're sleeping images are generated by neural activity in your visual cortex which simulate sight, even though there is no information being received externally by your optic nerve. Waking hallucinations can happen in the same way, without any "input" from light... the hallucination is generated internally by neural activity in the brain.
2007-03-18 03:47:20
answer #2
answered by opifan64 5
Of course you can see things in a dark room. Just imagine them. That's what dreaming is. The brain circuitry that allows the brain to form images from light can create images for itself whether there's any actual light being received or not.
2007-03-18 03:44:32
answer #3
answered by KevinStud99 6
Your brain is is the part dreaming. Your brain does not see. Your eyes see with light. The images formed on the retina are converted to electrical impulses and are sent to the brain. The brain interprets these impulses into what you call sight. Yoyr brain is also interpreting electrical impulses whe you dream. these impulses just come from another area.
This is a rather simplified explanation.
2007-03-18 03:44:04
answer #4
answered by sparbles 5
The images we see in dreams do not come to us through our eyes, but are constructs of the visual cortex, which, being inside our skulls, is always in darkness.
2007-03-18 03:41:05
answer #5
answered by mjb63114 2
what we see on dreams are registered images from our brain...our brain create motion picture out of these images lol
2007-03-18 03:43:15
answer #6
answered by xapao 5
The power is turned on in your brain...
2007-03-18 03:42:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous