Actually your lending institution is the best source. They want to lend you the money. They have the ability to fudge a little if they think the total loan is worth it. They have a good relationship with appraisers and can tell them what the house needs to appraise for.
If you hire one yourself, well first your lending institution has to approve your choice. Second a private appraiser will not fudge on value for you. If he is off in value word is going to get out and he will not get anymore business.
Again the lending institution establishes the rules. They have the money and if you don't do it their way you won't get the loan.
2007-03-18 05:01:16
answer #1
answered by ttpawpaw 7
1. remember that surveyors are not stupid - they have seen it all before.
Valuation depends on several things which are out of your control - comparable property prices locally and floor size of your property.
it best to spend a little cash upgrading where possible.- the minor jobs such as painting down pipes, tidying the garden etc. Its here that you can make the diff of a few thousand pounds on valuation.
Is your roof in good order - any slates / tiles missing - is there any evidence of drains overflowing ? - lift any inspection hatches and flush them out if necessary.
Is your loft insulated - if not do it !- fairly cheap and iuninsulated will mark you down.
The surveyor is interested in the fabric and structure of your house, not nice furnituire and pictures.
Last point, make sure you tell the surveyor on the day that the remortgage is for cash to upgrade the property ! - extension / new bathroom - whatever.
good luck
2007-03-18 01:01:17
answer #2
answered by Pondlife ver 4 2
Hire an independent appraiser as if you were going to BUY the property your self, also check the tax records (you can do this on line) at your tax assessors website, and see what the most recent home sales on adjacent properties were, (your appraiser should do this for you) Never accept the bank that you are refinancing with assessment, they are in affect buying your property from you and the lower price they can get your property for is to their advantage, they WILL do their own assessment and I guarantee theirs is much different then yours, you can negotiate their re finance price by you showing them yours and trying to get the bank to meet you somewhere in the middle
2007-03-18 01:03:51
answer #3
answered by seadog 1
touch a realtor on line interior the section you want and ask approximately properties and assets sales interior the are able to ordinary out the charges of valuation from that to be responsive to no count if to purchase or sell at a sensible value .because you would be prepaired past to time .
2016-12-19 08:05:39
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Make sure your property is a clean and tidy (de-clutter if necessary) before your valuer calls. Clean & tidy garden is important too.
2007-03-18 00:53:10
answer #5
answered by jet-set 7