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11 answers

there's the age-old "drug, sex, alcohol, drugs" answer - but every parent since the 50's have dealt with that on one level or another..
I think the biggest problem with youth today is simple lack of respect, and not knowing what 'disappointment' means.

gone are the days in the really young - where sports have a winning team and losing team...and the motto "everybody is a winner" has taken precedence.

I want my kids to know what it's like to lose, even if they try their hardest. I want my children to know and understand the word 'disappointment' and 'frustration' - instead of sheltering their "fragile" egos.

Once these little people turn into adults, they won't function well in the real world without knowing how to cope with the downs as well as the ups.

2007-03-16 16:10:28 · answer #1 · answered by P. K. 6 · 1 0

Problems Facing Youth Today

2016-11-06 23:26:45 · answer #2 · answered by belfast 4 · 0 0

Interesting question... I am going to say that it is selfishness people do not care about others as a whole the person that said capitalism is the fault for poverty is wrong. Ask people in the east bloc if they want to move and you will get a resounding yes. The reason we have poverty, because people don't care about other people they want to have tax cuts and abandon the poor so they can get a bigger tv. Instead of cutting taxes we need to cut stupid government programs and use our funds for helping the impoverished and to save the planet we are living on whether or not you believe in global warming you could at least admit that we don't treat the other well enough for it to last very long. If all humans looked out for each other we wouldn't have some the problems that we have. Communism fails as a whole because their is little insentive to work hard and come up with great ideas if you get the same as the lazy guy that works at Mc Donalds every once and a while. (they get my order wrong all the time those jerks!).

2016-03-16 21:47:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The biggest problems facing youth today is not alcoholism, drug addiction etc etc.. Those are merely the 'symptoms' of a much bigger problem.

The problem is deeply insecure parents and teachers. Also, politics and religious dictates/dogmas etc...
There is so much bull flying around that it's no wonder kids are turning to anything to tune it all out while trying to make sense of all the lies they're being fed.

Teaching children self-confidence, self -respect and independent thinking would do a lot of good. However, authority figures would actually need to possess these traits themselves before they could ever pass them on to their children...but the problem is the majority of them do NOT possess the combination of these qualities. THAT is the problem youth are facing...yesterday, today and tomorrow.

2007-03-16 16:59:00 · answer #4 · answered by Rain 3 · 0 0

Keeping on a straight path until the child is wise enough to make responsible decisions on his/her own. This covers drugs, sex, tobacco, meeting educational and career challenges. I have had two children I steered through that mess and learned a few major tricks.

We were dirt poor so I did a lot of volunteer work to make things happen and be part of my kids' lives. This kept them in sports and theater and a even a night sleeping with belugas and dolphins. But I was with them and they are strong young ladies with futures in their careers. The secret was sports and tiring them right out! They never got into drugs although one did do a bit of drinking for a few years. But she also maintained straight A's in tough classes. Now she has no time!

I think a return to more of a family system is what should be done. But I doubt it is a movement that will catch on. Instead of making it more difficult for a family to survive on even 2 or 3 wages, make it easier for the parents to properly care for their own chidlren. However this will not happen unless there is a big change in how things are run and we know that it won't happen.

Parents need to take back their children from the state and reestablish the family as a priority. Easier said than done, but necessary.

2007-03-16 15:56:48 · answer #5 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 0 1

Discipline needs to be asserted, and guidance, in both family and social respects and the need for a solid education.
Often kids are left to their own devices and choices, without a clear set of rules to govern their decisions.
It is a sad truism of today, that both parents have to work, to be able to support their families, leaving precious little time to inter-act with their kids. Often this leaves the parent(s) with feelings of guilt, and to assauge the guilt, they let the kids get away with actions, that would normally be punished.
Children are masters of gauging parents, and do exploit this.
Children need to be taught manners, social concsience and respect to others.
Discipline needs to be inforced.
As a family, it is important to grow together, spend time together, eating together at least once a week.
Kids need to be shown, that there is more to life, than watching dvd's and playing computer games.
Emotional neglect in the home, has a devastating effect on children.
Kids need to be shown love and guidance and must be able to be able to approach their parents and ask their advice or opinion.
What is important to a pre-teenager or even a young adult, may seem trivial to an adult, and the knowledge that they as children, will be taken seriously is important in their mental well being.
Drugs and alcohol abuse and petty crime, is usually an escape and experiment for children, who lack the foundation of a stable loving home.

2007-03-16 18:50:58 · answer #6 · answered by calexico 2 · 0 1

Parents don't take time to talk with their kids or learn their kids. They just buy them things or send them off to camps etc. so that they don't have to invest time in parenting. Hello! Just because you can afford the new X Box or Play station doesn't make you a good parent. It just means you can buy a new toy for the kid you don't know.

Too many parents want to be their kids friend. I tell mine I am not your friend, I am your mother.

A lot of parents don't want to be parents. They want the kids to take care of themselves. Some parents are too busy looking for their next man, next woman to be concerned about raising children to be responsible adults.

2007-03-16 18:34:29 · answer #7 · answered by YaYa 2 · 0 0

the role modles of today, popularity, sex, drugs, and money, the list is too long. all one can realy do without changing people is to not to keep them shielded and anaware of such things but in fact to educate them, pass on wisdom, and to test them. i plan on doing so when i become a father.

2007-03-16 16:08:39 · answer #8 · answered by ldsironman 5 · 1 0

Phone addiction

2013-12-29 18:33:40 · answer #9 · answered by Connie 1 · 0 0

drugs, sex, alcohol. only the parents can try and fix the problems with their kids.

2007-03-16 15:59:21 · answer #10 · answered by h.b.i.c. 3 · 1 0

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