I will assume that you are looking for people with which you have something in common to date. Perhaps you are also looking for friends, and some of these answer will apply in similar ways.
If you are looking for other guys to date, and you do not live near a large city, first try looking on Match.com, Yahoo! Personals, OKCupid.com or Gay.com. You may find people somewhere in your vicinity for either dating or friendships there. Once you make a couple of contacts, ask them where they get together with friends.
If you live near a big city, try looking in the local gay newspaper, or gay websites that are local. Find a group whose interests match yours, and go to a meeting.
If you are shy, this may be difficult. So try calling or emailing a contact person, let them know you're interested but that you're a bit shy. They may be willing to help introduce you around.
If you don't mind meeting people from all around the country, you could put together a 360 blog here on Yahoo, and put a link on your answers profile. People often will search on topics of similar interests, like "kayaking" or "Tom Clancy novels." I've noticed several gay people interlinking between Answers and their 360 pages.
I hope this helps. Finding other like-minded gay people is not always easy, but it is eventually rewarding.
- {♂♂} - {♂♀} - {♀♀} -
2007-03-16 15:57:09
answer #1
answered by NHBaritone 7
i think the best way is to first decide what you are looking for
then put yourself in a target rich environment
if you like trains, find a train show and start conversations
if your looking for an lgbt event consider who you want to meet
mature people, hippies, young guys or girls? all these things can be found at a lgbt community center in the nearest larger city
most have interest specifit events for gay folks
2007-03-16 16:04:50
answer #2
answered by drezdogge 4
By doing the things you love to do you will meet others with similar interests and values.
So...take a class, go on an adventure holiday, hang out at the book/music store, volunteer doing something you feel strongly about...
Just get out there and do what you love. You'll meet cool people.
2007-03-16 17:13:49
answer #3
answered by Shrieking Panda 6
Since you have asked here, read lots of questions and answers but in other groups as well. Pick people that interest you and e/mail them if they allow it on their profile.
Rose P.
2007-03-16 16:43:58
answer #4
answered by rose p 7
thru the internet
2007-03-16 15:49:18
answer #5
answered by Mayonaise 6