There were a lot of best movies...It depend on individual is the best of in all genres....look for your favorite among this....
Best Action/Adventure-Indiana Jones Trilogy
Best Adaptation- Spiderman Trilogy
Best Animation-Shrek 1&2
Best Biopic-The Ten Commandments (1956)
Best Classics-Gone With the Wind (1939)
Best Comedy-Dumb and Dumber(1994)
Best Crime/Gangster-The Godfather Trilogy
Best Documentary-The Fog of War (2003)
Best Drama-Schindler's List(1993)
Best Historical Epic-Ben-Hur (1959)
Best Kids/Family -E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Best Musical- The Sound of Music (1965)
Best Religion-The Passion of the Christ (2004)
Best Remake-King Kong (2005)
Best Romance-Titanic (1997)
Best Science Fiction-Starwars(all six!!)
Best Fantasy-Lord of the Ring Trilogy
Best Sequel -Back to the Future II(1989)
Best Sports-Rocky Anthology
Best Suspense/Horror- Ringu Of Terror (2005)
Best Teen-American Pie Trilogy
Best Thriller-Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Best War-Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Best Western-The good, the bad and the Ugly(1968)
Best Monster-Aliens qualilogy
Best disaster-The day after tomorrow(2004)
Those were unforgettable classic.....highly recommended
2007-03-17 02:16:18
answer #1
answered by joe 4
Many consider The Searchers, starring John Wayne, or High Noon, starring Gary Cooper, to be the best Western. Personally, I prefer Unforgiven.
There are lots of great war movies. I've always liked Tora, Tora, Tora, The Great Escape and The Dirty Dozen, but, my favorite is Stalag 17.
2007-03-16 23:08:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The best western in Unforgiven and the best war movie is Saving Private Ryan. Both are mainstream and awesome movie experiences. Private Ryan on the big screen in 5.1 surround sound is amazing.
2007-03-17 00:00:20
answer #3
answered by Hypocrite Hunter 3
I agree with Stalag 17 as the best war movie. My vote for best western - Stagecoach starring a young John Wayne.
2007-03-16 23:20:34
answer #4
answered by born_in_newmexico 2
Western - The Searchers
War - La Grande Illusion.
2007-03-16 23:00:20
answer #5
answered by Experto Credo 7
Hi. The best western, in my opinion is "The man who shot Liberty Valance". The best war movie, again IMHO is "Saving Private Ryan".
2007-03-16 22:50:03
answer #6
answered by Cirric 7
The best western is either Tombstone or Desperado. The best war flick I've seen is Red Dawn, even though it's not historical.
2007-03-16 23:41:03
answer #7
answered by meteor 4
Western - Dances With Wolves
War - Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now (I can't decide between those 3!)
2007-03-16 23:03:55
answer #8
answered by Chris S 3
the best war movie-Where eagles dare
best western-Rooster John Wayne
2007-03-17 11:46:53
answer #9
answered by kate seasider 3
Don't care much for Westerns, but best war movie, "Apocalypse Now" or "Glory"
2007-03-16 22:54:29
answer #10
answered by pjlawrence81 4