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19 answers

This is really a tacky answer, but I am sure some of them might lose a source of income.

2007-03-16 15:34:38 · answer #1 · answered by Cindy Roo 5 · 0 3

Because it is "medicine" and the lobby from the narcotic producers you know the legitimate drug companies see this as a challenge to their monopoly of keeping the masses stoned on their products. You see anybody can grow this drug in their backyard and it has many many uses and I'm not talking about the purely recreational ones.......although many people use the "legitimate prescription drug manufacturers" for that reason. These drug companies also sell many millions of dollars worth of their products for that reason. It is not a liberal issue it is a political issue backed by the lobbies of the drug companies and lest we forget the liquour companies. Oh, by the way, both the legitimate drug companies and the alcohol manufactures produce products that even if used as intended are much more dangerous to the well being of the citizens of your or any country. Oh, the tobacco lobby also doesn't want Medical Marijuana for medical or any other reason legalized because of their monopoly either. Those who are against it's use for what ever reason are misguided and their minds will change if ever they or a family member are advised that their lives can be saved or lengthened or the pain stopped by the simple use of a safe and easily affordable plant. Seen it happen twice.

2007-03-16 15:59:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i'm thinking on the topic of the legalization of marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana could unencumber and already over crowded penal equipment so as that the justice equipment can concentration its efforts on violent criminals and others that are a real injury to society. this could regrettably under no circumstances take place. There are too many roles that exist because of the fact it fairly is against the regulation. Police, DEA, attorneys, judges, penitentiary guards, etc. What do you recommend to do with those varieties of folk who would not have jobs if weed wasn't unlawful anymore? additionally, drug sellers do not want it to be legal. people could basically improve their very own and the fee could drop precipitously. ultimately, there are sufficient those that are fairly conservative or religious that could vote in a thank you to maintain it unlawful. How do you think of it became unlawful interior the 1st place? Yeah, i'm thinking approximately it yet i think of it fairly is completely a pipe dream. There are sufficient places interior the U. S. the place smoking pot is quasi-legal besides. basically stay out of the states that make it a legal and you will desire to be sturdy.

2016-12-19 07:19:08 · answer #3 · answered by roedel 3 · 0 0

It's not a huge issue for me, in and of itself. I think it's regrettable that it is a schedule 1 narcotic and that it has cost otherwise deserving people financial aid. I don't get too worked up about this however, because as Americans, we are protected by the constitution, which minimizes the harm this causes.
What infuriates me, is the drug war as foreign policy. Our demand for cocaine creates a steady supply of coca in the Andean Region. With this coca comes instability and death.
On 9/11, 3,000 Americans died in a terrorist attack and it changed the geopolitical world. At the time, 3000 Colombians were dying every year in terrorist attacks. Worse, this carnage was funded on all sides by the US. The guerilla group, FARC, as well as the paramilitary AUC received money from taxing coca growers for "protection". Additionally, through money given through Plan Colombia, the Colombian military filtered money to the AUC.
This is an ongoing tragedy, and it is completely outside our public consciousness. That is the problem with the drug war.

2007-03-16 15:42:34 · answer #4 · answered by Mark P 5 · 1 0

Marijuana as a cash crop---to be used for any practical purpose--has nothing to do with the Mainstream arguments for legalization. The fact that Marijuana would be a direct competitor to the Farmers and the Pharmacueticals is where you need to look when discussing the issue of Marijuana.

2007-03-16 15:59:38 · answer #5 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 1 0

It's hardly a "huge" issue, as there are much bigger issues.

But it's just so MEAN -- to deprive people of a substance that substantially improves their lives, often would keep them alive, for no good reason.

It's just mean. Cruel. Sick. Disgusting.

Some people just have no heart.

You apparently have no problem with a stupid law that causes millions to suffer.

Most Americans disagree, and think that a substance that reduces suffering should be allowed.

But then, most Americans are human beings, not heartless brainless brutes.

2007-03-16 19:16:51 · answer #6 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 0

Perhaps you have never watched someone you love who is suffering with cancer!!

I have!

The only way she could force food into her body was after smoking marijuana!
Without it she couldn't eat without being nauseous and many times it made her vomit!!

I took care of her until the day that she died from her disease!

The key word in your question is "Medicinal" for some it actually is a medicine.

Show some compassion!

2007-03-16 16:23:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well let's see there are many:

1. Alcohol has been proven to be way worse for you(kills more brain cells, destroys liver, responsible for many deaths, violence comes from drinking) but it is still legal.
2. Helps cancer patients eat.
3. Can be used for many different things(food for farm animals, clothing, made into plastic, rope)
4. side effects include- eating too much, red eyes, short term memory loss, gives body too much estrogen(can grow breasts in men and mess with women's menstrual cycles)
5. No one has ever overdosed on pot.
6. Why do you care what other people do to themselves, they aren't hurting anyone else.

alcohol is so much worse

2007-03-16 16:02:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because there is no good reason why it shouldn't be legal. The benefits far outweigh the supposed drawbacks. It could (and, illegally, does) ease the misery of thousands upon thousands of people with very real medical problems. Why is our government forcing these people to suffer unneccessarily? It was only made illegal in the first place riding on completely arbitrary "facts" about its dangers. Give me one good, legitamate reason why it should be illegal.

2007-03-16 16:25:46 · answer #9 · answered by mina_lumina 4 · 2 0

It's not an issue at all for me - I could care less, really - I just don't understand why it's still ILLEGAL, but then again, we have had THREE separate presidents in the last 30 years who have done everything in their power to drag us back to the dark ages.

Pot kills how many Americans a year, compared to tobacco and alcohol????????

now, compare those statistics to deaths from pharmaceuticals and think we can figure out what is going on here..

"war on drugs????"


2007-03-16 15:55:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So they can tell the officer giving them a traffic ticket, "Hey dude, I may appear to be stoned, but I just use marijuana for medicinal purposes. Wanna share a joint?'

2007-03-16 15:39:51 · answer #11 · answered by don n 6 · 0 1

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