It's for that very reason (the 1st Amendment) that I have only reported one person during the entire time I've been using Yahoo Answers. That one person, a celebrity, was using Yahoo Answers for publicity more than anything.
I think that the rules for reporting violations should be more structured. As of now, anyone can report anyone for anything, even if the question/answer isn't offensive or bad-intentioned in any way. It should take more than one reporting for it to get deleted.
2007-03-16 15:39:19
answer #1
answered by Persephone 6
If you report a person, it's not taking away from they're right of free speech, they can still say whatever they want. It's only letting Yahoo! know that there are people out there that are offending others. The freedom of press gives people the right to protest what you have to say to whoever they want, and the freedom of speech gives them the right to say whatever they want. So when someone reports another, they too are expressing they're first amendment rights.
Oh and not to mention there are people on this site that don't live in America so they shouldn't have to live by our laws...hence the www. (world wide web)
2007-03-16 15:38:47
answer #2
answered by abacus314 3
I'm not american so your 1st amendment means nothing to me and this is Yahoo not america when you join yahoo there is a list of conditions you are to abide by and they have nothing to do with the 1st amendment if you break them you pay the price by being reported .
2007-03-16 22:37:20
answer #3
answered by flossypants 4
Just FYI, this is Yahoo, and it's international. It's not just America.
Also, this is a pet peeve. Have you ever actually read the first amendment of the constitution? If not, here it is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "
That's it. The whole thing. The first amendment. Note that it begins "Congress shall make no law..." It does not begin "Yahoo shall make no Terms of Service..." Yahoo is a private site, not owned by the government. As such, Yahoo can make any rules it darn well pleases. If Yahoo states that you're not allowed to use vowels and they will delete any posts with vowels in them, that's their right. Yahoo has set up their own terms of service, and you have agreed to abide by them. If your posts are being deleted for abuse, that's on you because you broke the rules that you agreed to abide by. It has nothing to do with America, the Constitution, or apple pie.
Sorry, but I had to memorize the first amendment long ago, and it annoys me when people run around screaming about freedom of speech when they haven't a clue what they're talking about and it's totally irrelevant.
2007-03-16 15:43:40
answer #4
answered by Rose D 7
Although I report VERY few people, That doesn't mean that they are right. And yes, this IS America, but that DOESN'T mean that you can say anything you want. Free speech only goes so far, my friend, and it DOESN'T give you the right to say ANYTHING you want. There are LIMITS to free speech, and hate speech is one of those things that should NOT be tolerated in a free society. THAT is America, and if you disagree with the principles, then leave!
Another point, NONE of that first amendment stuff even APPLIES at PRIVATE sites like yahoo. So maybe it is YOU who needs to learn a little bit about that first amendment!
2007-03-16 15:36:57
answer #5
answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6
hey! i just posted a question and was told that I was reported for exactly that... the 1st amendment, but the reason i posted the question was because of the acid questions and answers this pea-nut was asking/saying sheeeesh cant win!! hope it does come back and bite him right in the Butt!! pardon the pun lol
2007-03-16 16:16:24
answer #6
answered by Leah 4
specific ... it is termed "factor gaming" ... yet you need to be somewhat effective you're suitable. One guy or woman reporting yet another person won't consequence in termination of the person's posts or account. yet whilst a lot of human beings checklist a similar person, then this brings it to the attention of the YA group, and that they've strategies of verifying that factor gaming is somewhat happening. yet you need to be somewhat effective you're suitable. in the experience that your reporting of human beings seems to baseless, then YA can take that into consideration interior the destiny. yet another tactic is to ask a query below one login, and then answer it below yet another, and then only %. your guy or woman answer. it is plenty extra handy to be certain of. some human beings only have this extraordinary theory that the factor of Yahoo solutions is getting factors. It takes a number of of attempt to activity the gadget, and it toesn't fairly get you something ... so maximum of those trolling customers only grow to be bored to death in it after a whilst.
2016-10-01 01:32:25
answer #7
answered by ? 4
No, this is not America. The US Constitution has no application in Canada, so I'll just keep reporting.
2007-03-16 16:37:51
answer #8
answered by castle h 6
ummm.....where have you been? The US government doesn't even give us the rights that are in the amendment...unless you are a rich causcasion male and they make money off of you some how. Think of all the rights that are taken away from homosexuals, blacks, mexicans, immigrants, women, and children, and so on.
2007-03-16 15:42:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I only report others when those users fail to adhere to the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
2007-03-16 15:41:33
answer #10
answered by Aldo 78522 4