It's great that you enjoy what you do. Workaholics are usually defined by the hours they work, but they are ALSO defined as such if it interferes with their personal life. Dropping everything to take care of a business matter say when you are spending time with a spouse or significant other could put you in the same category. What's great about enjoying what you do is that when you have time off, you are relaxed, and when it's time to go back to work, you actually look forward to it. But don't let it define you. So many other things could happen in your life (or not happen) that really makes it a small part of you in the grand scheme of things.
I once was a workaholic. I worked over 80 hours a week. I went at full speed for over 10 years and then crashed and burned suddenly. The good thing about it is when it happened, it changed how I view life, work, and what is important. I don't spend as much time worrying about things I can't change anymore.
2007-03-16 15:30:38
answer #1
answered by Smooch The Pooch 7
When I worked a full time job as well as a part time job I wasn't a workaholic - It's all in the way you handle it. If you still maintain social relationships... When I became an Office Manager I worked 50-60 hrs a week but I was a workaholic - I zoned out at work, never took lunch breaks, brought work home - Being career oriented is great, if it becomes too much you will be the first one to notice! :)
2007-03-16 15:27:10
answer #2
answered by Dorrie J 2
I was called a workoholic when my freinds would call me and i never called back ..i worked 5 times a week with overtime and when people called in sick for weekends. My life was about work and the can get obsessive like everyhting else..I think if you have obsessive tendancies its easy to fall in this one...somehow you get caught up. Now. I only work the 5 days...(40 hours) and have time for friends and other stuff..this is healthy. The best thing to do is calculate how much you need for your rent, expenses et.....once you know how uch you may see that yu dont need to work all the extra hours if they are killing you. If you feel good working save it up for something
2007-03-16 15:28:10
answer #3
answered by amor_dove 3
There really isn't a cut-and-dried answer to this. I know people who work 90+ hours a week who manage to have some time for family and self. I know others who focus and obsess on a part-time job so that it takes over their lives. You need to just examine your life and see if where you are spending your time is where you need and want to be.
2007-03-16 15:50:44
answer #4
answered by Kuji 7
You are a workaholic as soon as you have to ask this question. A healthy ratio is whatever keeps you and your loved ones content. Nothing is set in stone.
2007-03-16 15:28:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
80-100 hours... but as long as you love it then do it. IF you have kids or a husband, well then you made a commitment to them and have to pull away from the job to spend time with them. Everything in Moderation. If you are single and no commitments then work work work and love it.
2007-03-16 15:26:39
answer #6
answered by florida_sassy 4
It's not about the number of hours, it's about having all areas of life working for you: family, hobbies, friends, health, etc. Do you live to work or do you work to live? That is a question you might want to answer!
2007-03-16 15:30:59
answer #7
answered by Alyssa Macey 3
I never think about it in those terms.I think about how much money I need to make per week to pay the bills.If you have to work more in order to have the things you want then I don't consider that being a workaholic.That's just being responsible for your finances.
2007-03-16 16:10:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
More than 60 hours.
2007-03-16 20:57:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would put 65 hrs a week for a reg. person or over 40 for a single parent
2007-03-16 15:25:54
answer #10
answered by fade_this_rally 7