no but if i act like i dont , they wont let me in
2007-03-16 15:12:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely-my Brother is an ex-bouncer,and a very good one-he was firm but fair but to a lot of drunken idiots that didn't matter,he got potted 3 times for no reason,had a stool smashed around the back of his head (again for no reason other than he was seprating a fight-coward hit him from behind!) and then a guy stabbed him with a used needle...all of these done for no reason,I could understand it if he'd have provoked it but camera footage showed he didn't.
His Wife,child and extended family used to be terrified every tim he went out to work,and after the syringe incident we managed to pursuade him to retire and pick a more 'friendly' job as a plasterer. He still has many friends that are bouncers now & they have a bloody tough job and deserve respect.
2007-03-17 01:48:40
answer #2
answered by munki 6
No more than I respect anyone else... I respect lot's of people and I find that in turn, they respect me.
If your question is, do I fear them.... No. But then I dont fear the girl in tesco who packs the bags either.
If you mean, do I respect them 'more than' anyone else... No, they have done nothing for me to earn any further respect.
Maybe you mean do I 'do as they tell' me... Then yes, because thay are employed to keep order and I accept thier role as enforcers when I enter the establishment ( it'l like an unwriteen contract ) and I know that if I get out of hand, they are entitled to, and will if need be, eject me.
It's common curtesy and civility. They are 'at work', when I am at work ( I also enforce things as part of my job) I like people to exted courtesy and civility to me
2007-03-17 23:49:57
answer #3
answered by 2
I chose several as godparents to my children. That way the kids will get into clubs without queuing when they get older
2007-03-16 16:41:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes if they are about to beat seven bags of shite out of me. Which has happened a few times before. So I went back and gunned the mo fo's down, drive by style. Respect? Respect this POW POW POW RAT ATAT TAT Mo fo ................!
2007-03-16 15:17:24
answer #5
answered by BobtheEcoBuilder 2
Not really. Most of them, not all , couldn't get a job doing anything else. I used to date one many moons ago, anyway, big guy but dummer than a box of rocks.
2007-03-16 15:26:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How sad.
We see people like you on 'Booze Britain' every week.
2007-03-20 11:31:09
answer #7
answered by dtedad-50 4
only when they look good i start a fight just so they can throw me out
2007-03-16 15:17:41
answer #8
answered by tina questions 1
2007-03-16 15:35:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They no doubt need the money
2007-03-16 15:34:16
answer #10
answered by Gypsy Gal 6