Yes, but in general we are all tired of helping other countries and getting bombarded with all the BS that we don't ever help other countries. Were tired of ungreatful people taking are hard earned money and generosity and then spitting in our faces. I would prefer that we helped out our own citizens first, but of course doesn't ever country? Why does so many other country's put such a label on America? That we are uncaring and unconcerned? We just wish all these other country's would stop fighting among themselves and have a peaceful world, where every country can take care of themselves, without any other country's trying to disrupt their system, Do you honestly beleive we want to have children just to send them off to some foreign country to fight some wars that have been going on for ages over religion? That would be the only reason we might not care, we don't want our children or are men dieing over some other country's conflicts. I don't see too many other country's jumping in and helping the USA out with our problems, we have poverty, homelessness, and drug problems, ect.... So who's uncaring?
2007-03-16 18:17:49
answer #1
answered by K_Seeks4Answers 3
America is not a sentiment being, it is a country outlined by political boundaries and can no more care or not care than a rock.
America has one of the most diverse populations of any country in the world; ask 10 different people your question and you'll get 10 different answers. This concept of this type of freedom is obviously alien to many people through out the world. Iran has only 1 main nationality and religion and they are all robots, led by false prophets and the belief that if they kill enough people they will go to "heaven". Iraq is made up of 3 separate nations of people but once again the same destructive religion. Maybe you should ask the people of Saudi Arabia, where most of the terrorists that attacked the US, if they care about anybody but themselves. I'm sure that you will get the monolithic answer that you are looking for.
Sorry to dissapoint you but Michael Moore is a fiction film maker. His movies and editorials are not meant to be taken seriously...gads, what are they teaching you folks!
America Rocks
2007-03-16 14:06:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well seeing as how we as a country spend 16 billion dollars in aid yes i would say we care. i think we should keep the money in country. but all the bleeding heart libs would complain that this just means i don't care about my fellow man blah blah blah. I just believe the old adage that charity starts at home. we should spend the money on our kids not other countries. but then again when their are celebs who don't like American kids and only adopt outside the country no wonder libs feel this way. that's where they get their facts.
2007-03-16 14:39:54
answer #3
answered by eric s 2
You were watching the wrong movies, you should have watched Bamibi, Cinderella and Shrek.
Then you would understand that no where else in the world could those movies have been made.
Oh imagine if Michael Moore made a movie about the Iranians? He may not live to pee the next morning.
2007-03-16 14:01:38
answer #4
answered by selfmanagement808 3
You still believe that Michael Moore cr@p ???
Run, do not walk, to your video store and rent "Fahrenhype 9-11" which in detail debunks Michael Moore's movie. After seeing this, you should be seething with resentment against Moore, because these weren't innocent mistakes he made. He is playing us all for fools.
You are getting all your information from the scumbag Liberal media. No wonder you think this way. Start watching "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News. You will start seeing the truth very quicky, I guarantee it.
2007-03-16 14:05:56
answer #5
answered by 7
No, except during floods and tsunamis and then we give billions of dollars to help wherever we can. But of course, you have selective memories. What has Michael Moore and LooseChange have to do with it? Moore is nothing but a liar and it's been proven that Fahrenheit 9/11 was edited to aid his propaganda. LooseChange was, too. There's no talking truth who believes Michael Moore and LooseChange are real.
2007-03-16 14:03:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Micheal Moore is an idiot that lives in some little world of his own made to make him most important.
America does more than any other country, you stupid jerk. If you don't like here get the hell out and move to some muslim loving country like France.
2007-03-16 14:03:42
answer #7
answered by For_Gondor! 5
America cares too much about other countries. Which we show by having our soldiers all around the world and the multitude of billions that we dedicate to foreign aid. When a disaster happens elsewhere we dig deep into our pockets to help where we can. You are believing too much of the negative press.
2007-03-16 14:02:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
united states has a more beneficial useful climate and a more beneficial useful elements. all of it concerns what style of authorities the country has. In united states, unlawful immigrants from say...... Mexico have more beneficial rights and more beneficial useful jobs, more beneficial useful pay, and more beneficial say in the authorities. once human beings see that there is sturdy farming land in united states and jobs it truly is the position it begins. to bypass back even more beneficial you may ought to invite Christopher Columbus himself and the Kings of england.
2016-12-02 02:58:22
answer #9
answered by younan 4
Yes, we do. Remember, the pres was elected by the Electoral College, not the American People.
2007-03-16 14:06:40
answer #10
answered by DisIllusioned 5