Hallelujah Brother ... it's like you read my mind. I've thought this way since I was 19 ... that's 12 years!!!!!
You are not alone my friend ... definitely not!
2007-03-16 12:08:47
answer #1
answered by AJD 3
Yes and no. I agree with you about those who pick and choose various scriptures to "make their point." The error of their thinking is that often the scripture to which they point is taken out of context. Another error of their thinking is based on the fact that for thousands of years the stories of the Old Testament were handed out by word-of-mouth before finally being recorded...in an ancient language that itself has evolved over the thousands of years. The Old Testament has been "translated" so many times that there have been errors made, deletions made, and additions made. This is why the Protestants have the Apocrypha, which is part of the Catholic Bible.
However, I believe the Bible does provide some good, moralistic stories, much like Aesop's fables. It also provides an incredible insight into ancient history and geography. So I don't believe it is entirely without merit or usefulness.
Naturally, how one was raised and what one was taught to believe, will influence each and every person. Yes, I'm gay. Yes, I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Do I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God? No. I have studied this tome long enough to be able to recognize what is a good story and what can add value to my life as a lesson.
I think the problem is that the Bible is often used as a weapon of bigotry, hate, and abuse. Both camps could quote scripture to prove their points and it will end in a stalemate. I think the essential message of the Bible should be followed by everyone: Love thy neighbor as thyself.
2007-03-16 19:09:20
answer #2
answered by behrmark 5
My Dad is a preacher and I was A Youth Minister Growing Up And Sang in Gospel Quartet Unil I was 18. I Live by the Morals that the Bible Teaches but Don't Agree with allot of the things In the Bible. I have my own Mind and Use Common Sense and Life experiences in My Everyday life. No one should be control by a belief that doesn't allow you free Will.
2007-03-16 18:55:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It is not the parts of the Bible that I don't understand that bother me. It is the parts that I understand, but don't obey (a loose quote of Mark Twain).
So, let me ask you. Are YOU living what you believe?
Yes, I too am sick of the "religious", those that hide behind self righteousness, and point and judge. But the real question is not how others are living, but how am I living? Am I, are you, doing what God wants? Are you living life to the fullest, giving your all for Him? Have you laid your heart bare before Him, have you laid your life on the altar? Have you offered the Lord Jesus all of your dreams, your hopes, your fears, your shame, your pride? If you haven't, then you are not yet living the abundant life.
I pray that you would find that place of abiding in Christ, where the burden is light and the joy never ending! May all the joy of Christ be yours!
2007-03-16 19:03:35
answer #4
answered by HolyLamb 4
Yes I had felt this way a number of years ago, and then a Street Preacher picked me out of the crowd and said do you know how much your Creator loves you, miss's you and
perhaps God is the answer to the deep yearning in your heart. How he new I was hurting I don't know. I am not saying Christianity is for you rather seeking out a relationship with your Creator. "Soul Sickness" is the seperation from Love ... and I believe I found my Love, my God in Catholicism. However your path may be different. If you let bitterness of this or that into your soul it's like a cancer and it will take you to some pretty dark places. And I will leave you with this.
The prayer of St. Francis says it best...
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
2007-03-16 19:03:42
answer #5
answered by itty bitty 2
I agree. Plus it says women are owned by their fathers until they have a marriage arranged for them, usally involving animals being traded, to men that have mulitple wives, yet bible pushers point to the bible for marriage beliefs. How many of them are in arranged marriages?
2007-03-16 19:06:28
answer #6
answered by azdbackfan99 2
The bible was a set of guidelines to keep the simple, uneducated in line, to give them a set of rules. Evolution has allowed us to grow mentally, and we can now better choose our own paths.
That, and we don't have to worry about cutting our children in half, stoning each other or starving ourselves for a month.
2007-03-17 10:56:43
answer #7
answered by Geico Caveman 5
Totally agree, i left the bible on the shelve years ago and start living my life. IMHO found the stories uninspiring and not uplifting like so many others. And the claim of "sent down by god" to me is laughable, men might have written in the 2nd century but its the ones later on the edit(and continue to do so) to fit their own needs.
2007-03-16 19:04:18
answer #8
answered by Prometheus Cowboy 2
What you need to realise is that there is spiritual world as well as a physical world. Everything you do has spiritual consequences and everything that happens in the physical has first happened in the spiritual.
You need to realise that God knows every consequence of all the sins that you perform. All the consequences involve demons and Satan. This is why God has given us a manual to live our life by called the Bible. Do you really think the words in the Bible are rules. God tells you not to do certain things because He knows what the consequence of your sins are. For example: if you have lust in your heart, in the spiritual world demons are attracted to you and can oppress you. If you keep on lusting then those demons can enter you. Obviously you can't go to heaven when you are infested with demons.
You need yo purge those demons out of you by asking God to forgive your sins. We are all sinners. The point is whether you ask Jesus to take away your sins.
Jesus died specifically for you so that you can go to heave to be with Him. Call on Jesus to take away your filthy sins and He will forgive you and live inside your spirit. When he comes into your spirit then the demons inside you will have to go because the Spirit of the Living God will be inside you.
Then you will go to Heaven.
Jesus loves you. Repent and be saved.
John 14:6
2007-03-16 19:06:57
answer #9
answered by Saved by Jesus 2
nope. i trust the wisdom of the ages rather than the ephemeral feelgood new age crap that says " if it feels good , do it" The bible warns against things that have a subtle disabling effect on mankind .sodomy is one of them. read the story of Sodom and Gommorah . Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
2007-03-16 22:22:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous