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I have a Presario and I am in the process of trying to free up space on the computer. I just recently downloaded CCleaner to do some repairs and it has an option of deleting items that I couldn't do before. My question is I want to delete "Security Update for Windows XP (I counted 15 of them), Windows XP Hotfix"( many of the as well), and "Update for Windows." Should I delete these and will it disrupt the computer in someway?

2007-03-16 11:41:39 · 3 answers · asked by okayokayokay 5 in Computers & Internet Other - Computers

3 answers

Dont delete from the control panel unless your sure,if u delete w/xp it will get rid of the whole programme. Click on start-go to all programs-accessories-system tools then go onto disc defragmenter this takes off anything that does not need to be there. Mine is much better now. Try it it gives u lots of free space. You can do the same again but click on disc clean up instead,but do both,you will see a big difference.

2007-03-16 12:01:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WHERE did u count 15 of them? if you counted them in control panel>add/remove programs then those are installed and removing them will uninstall them and thats probably not what you want to do. Regardless i dont think that is taking up much space....start with pictures, music, movies, etc. that wil free a lot of space.


2007-03-16 11:46:12 · answer #2 · answered by jimmyz 2 · 0 0

go to control panel and click add/remove and walA

2007-03-16 11:57:28 · answer #3 · answered by paulzkool 2 · 0 0

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