I was, as the song says, teaching a class of innocent children. I teach third grade. A bunch of classes gathered in the library to watch the footage. Our principal came in and shut off the tv and told us to get back to class immediately. We were then handed a directive from the superintendent that said we were not to listen to the radio, watch tv or be on the computers. He did not want us teaching about the biggest "teachable moment" of my career! I did anyway because I had frightened 8 year olds to deal with. I pulled a map down and explained how unlikely a target we would be...little did I know at the time that the Shanksville plane flew right over top of us! I emailed a friend who would send me the news as the children began to go home. The parents pulled them out fearing for their safety. An older student then started a rumor that there was a bomb in the school and kids were freaking out.
That class was the most special class I have ever taught. We became a family that day.
2007-03-16 10:38:43
answer #1
answered by ubiquitous_mr_lovegrove 4
I was at home getting ready to take my son to the zoo for his 3rd birthday (He was born 9-11-98). When the first plane hit everyone thought it was some sort of freek occurance. So my son and I got ready to leave. We decided to stop at Walmart to pick up some snacks for our birthday outing, and when we walked in, there was 6-7 sheriff deputies from the county sheriff's dept. standing there just starring at the T.V. in disbelief. When I found out what actually happened I no longer felt safe enough to take my child to the zoo, so we left Walmart w/o buying anything. When I got out to my truck, my mom called to tell me that United 93 went down 10 miles from where my favorite cousin was going to college. I sat in the parking lot of Walmart and cried for everyone and everything this country lost. I think the WTC along with Kennedy's assassination and the Challenger explosion is one of those things that you'll never, no matter how old you get, forget where and what you were doing when it happened.
2007-03-16 14:01:14
answer #2
answered by ricksgrl2005 3
I was in the dorm room's lobby staring at the television, crying, and calling friends and family who live in the northeast. Everyone was talking and trying to call people and it was very noisy in the room. Then I noticed the first tower sway a bit and I shouted, "Look!" It fell shortly after that and we were all silent and stunned. The second one went down after that.
We have family in Pennsylvania and if memory serves me correctly another plane went down near them. We were all very scared for a while and then very outraged.
2007-03-16 10:40:42
answer #3
answered by jenn_smithson 6
I was at home watching it on TV and talking with a family member standing on the street of New York until the phone went dead. Terrible.
2007-03-16 10:40:38
answer #4
answered by GirlsDeadMonster 7
I live in Canada British Columbia, and I just got to work, and we have a TV in our waiting area, and our whole office was standing around the TV when the buildings fell. It was a very wierd moment. It was dead silent and thats wierd for our busy office!! I still remember that day exactly!!
2007-03-16 10:35:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I was at home in bed and my mom called me and told me what happened so I got up and turned on the TV. My son was in morning kindegarten and I had taken him to school and came back home and went back to bed for a little bit. I had to walk down to get him at 11 and I remember what a BEAUTIFUL day it was that day, and how eerily quiet the skies were. When they released the kids from school, all the parents just scooped up their kids in their arms and held them, myself included. It was really scary, and yet touching at the same time. We were all so relieved to get our children safely in our arms. I also remember how difficult it was trying to explain to my 5 yr. old son what had happened and why without scaring him.
What a horrible, HORRIBLE day...I'll never forget it.
2007-03-16 10:52:49
answer #6
answered by ♥♥Mrs SSG B♥♥ 6
i was just getting out of bed when the first plane hit. then as i sat watching the tv screen, i started thinking of my dad because he was stuck in Ireland on a business trip. i would never forget that day. it was the day before one of my cousins was killed in a car wreck.
2007-03-16 14:57:22
answer #7
answered by Shorty 3
i was getting ready to go to school at long beach state. i turned on the news to check traffic and there it was. i watched the second plane hit and i was glued to the televison for the rest of the day.
2007-03-16 10:38:44
answer #8
answered by Decoy 2.0 4
I was driving home from work in Ireland and heard it on the radio - I thought I'd entered an alternate dimension, couldn't believe it.....
2007-03-16 10:39:29
answer #9
answered by siobhan 4
i was in my 5th grade computer lab class! Our teacher told us and I didn't think it was such a big deal at the moment, but then I got home and it was on every chanell!
2007-03-16 10:34:11
answer #10
answered by sylvie 4