It is one of two things, Columnaris or fungus.
The best way to tell them apart is that columnaris always grows in a very round circular spot while fungus rarely does. columnaris is also pearly or opalescent white while fungus is a flatter, grayish white.
Columnaris: it can occur anywher on the fishes body and there have been documented lab cases of it being a systemic, or body wide infection. It's not real easy to treat as it only responds well to a very limited number of antibiotics. The best treatment for columnaris is Furanace. It is the only known antibiotic that will treat both the surface and internal parts of the infection and the only one that will treat it if it becomes systemic. Other treatments are usually very harsh and include copper sulfate, potassium permanganate and Oxolinix acid. Treat with Furanace for 2 weeks to be sure you are rid of the disease.
Fungus - Hopefully this is what you have and adds are good it is. Fungus is easy to treat and responds well to common Malachite green ick medications. There are several fungus medications that also contain Malachite Green and work very well. Treat until you have seen no signs of the disease for 5 days.
Warning: Malachite Green is a known carcinigen so be very careful to keep it off your skin!
Hope this helps
2007-03-16 10:28:45
answer #1
answered by magicman116 7
It sounds like your Betta has a fungal infection. You can go to just about any store that sells fish supplies and purchase a product that is for fungal infections. The average product ranges in price from $3 to $10.
If it is a fungus, this could have been caused from not cleaning the enclosure frequently enough, stress, and hard water. I would look into getting a product that you use while cleaning your enclosure that helps to prevent infections. You can also find these products at any fish supply store from $2 and up.
2007-03-16 10:06:11
answer #2
answered by Meresa 2
Prepare yourself for the likely death of your betta. Its likely a body fungus and that spreads fast and its tough get rid of. I tried the maracyn/Maracyn2 treatment on my sick betta and he died in 24 hours. When another one got sick I tried Melafix and he was fine in a few days and the disease didn't progress.
2007-03-16 15:41:57
answer #3
answered by Palor 4
You need to act quickly, this is a fast spreading disease in all the fish around it and will kill the fish that have it. It can be saved if you catch it in time though. This disease is called Ick, and the pet stores carry treatment. But the treatment does turn the water green untill you are done treating your fish.
2007-03-16 10:08:09
answer #4
answered by Firefly 2
Go to the following web sites and possibly you will find your answer there:
2007-03-16 10:20:58
answer #5
answered by DARMADAKO 4
Sounds like "the Ich". Go to the pet store - they sell a remedy for it. Don't wait too long.
2007-03-16 10:00:52
answer #6
answered by canela 5
Sound like ick. He needs meds quick or he'll die.
2007-03-16 10:01:20
answer #7
answered by nismax95 2
Just make sure its tank is really clean and make sure your feeding him not to much and not little and just see how it goes.
2007-03-16 10:55:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous