Do not nothing! If all he was doing was checking you out then take it as a compliment my friend ... someone on this planet thinks you're beautiful and that's can't be a bad thing. Now if he makes a pass or any obvious suggestions, just let him down gently and tell him it's never going to happen because you're straight. But be a human being about it, you wouldn’t punch an "ugly" girl would you?
I'm gay and not forceful, but if I'm ever to find a spouse, I have to make it known when someone interests me. 99% of the time it's a positive let down or a GOOD NIGHT! But what's important here is that I (like most gay men) can take "no" for an answer; and most of us understand that most straight men don't play that way ... they're STRAIGHT! However there are a few bad apples in the gay community who just can't take "no' for an answer and create a bad rap for the rest of us. I ******* hate them!!! It's queers like that that hold the rest of the gay community back as far as I'm concerned.
My point here is, unless you know otherwise just ignore it and be happy someone thinks you're hot. Haven't you heard the saying "you're not hot until a gay man says you are". Take that compliment and run baby!! BRAG about it ... it's good!
But if he makes a pass at you or even does the "proper thing" and asks you out, then be a gentlemen and let him down as you would a woman that you're not interested in. Respect him and in the end, you'll gain more respect for yourself and by others. Also, if you're discreet about it; chances are he will be too. You'll never hear of it again!
Just be decent about it guy, no need to be offended or offensive. In the end, it’s just animal instinct … how we handle it is what matters and we all deserve respect.
2007-03-16 09:57:19
answer #1
answered by AJD 3
when you check a girl out, do you want her to punch you in the nose? How about, if youre not interested in him, show a little compassion and let him down in a way that doesn't hurt his pride too badly but still lets him know that you're not shopping to pick up a guy (or him) and won't be shopping.
In some gay cultures, checking people out is a way of saying "I am, are you?" it can also be a way of acknowledging the other person's presence. It can also be a compliment.
Take a moment to put yourself into a similar situation in your mind, only, with you checking someone out. If they weren't interested, how would you prefer them to communicate that to you?
Good luck!!
2007-03-16 16:36:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hey, careful. You're one of the few right wingers I have respect for on this site.
Just ignore him if he's checking you out. Or if it really bothers you, tell him that it makes you uncomfortable and tell him to stop.
Don't even consider punching him. You could end up doing a little jail time and then you'll have greater problems than other guys just checking you out....and I am sure you know what I mean.
2007-03-16 16:36:37
answer #3
answered by castle h 6
I would ignore him. If he makes any sort of advances, let him know you're not that way. Does he know that you know he's gay? If you have a girlfriend, working her into a conversation would help.
Sometimes I check out hot guys and I have no clue if they are gay or not. I am not lewd about it but if I were ever to make anyone uncomfortable, I would MUCH rather that person tell me in a respectful way as opposed to beating me up or yelling at me.
2007-03-16 16:34:36
answer #4
answered by David C 2
Let him be. If you weren't offended by the gesture, smile at him and acknowledge the "checkout". Obviously you struck his fancy in some capacity, so enjoy the moment. If you think you might like to check it out further, by all means, go for it! If not, just let it roll off and don't give it another thought.
2007-03-16 21:46:41
answer #5
answered by Brandon M 2
Same thing us women do when guys check us out. If you like him you smile at him. If you're not interested then you ignore it. It's that simple. Who cares if someone checks you out? Take it as a compliment. You don't assault someone because you don't like the way they look at you.
2007-03-17 04:16:15
answer #6
answered by DawnDavenport 7
Feel flattered. 2 of my best friends are gay and contrary to popular belief-they are not trying to hit on everyone they meet. How often do you check out the opposite sex without any intentions of acting upon your thoughts? I check out guys all the time and I'm really glad that none of them punch me in the nose for it.
2007-03-16 16:31:50
answer #7
answered by 2
There's no harm in his looking. Kneeling in front of you and ogling your crotch, ruler in hand, is going too far, maybe.
If you're not interested in him, just ignore him. If he's too obvious, you can always the women's approach: tell him, "Hey, I'm up here!" If you need his business, no matter what you do or say, keep smiling.
2007-03-16 16:36:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'd say it's a huge compliment. But at the same time it's not good to look like your gay. Ignore him, but if he confronts you just tell him that your not into that kinda thing.
2007-03-16 17:05:52
answer #9
answered by Katie 3
First, it depends on whether or not you are interested in him or not. Basically, act like a civilized human... If you are interested in him, smile and ask him out for coffee or dinner... If your not interested, take it as a compliment ignore it unless he asks you out. Then, politely say "No thank you".
2007-03-16 22:12:52
answer #10
answered by AusBill2000 2