Jesse James was the host of Monster Garage and is a noted motorcycle fabricator and rider. He married Sandra Bullock last year.
2007-03-16 08:49:19
answer #1
answered by Hamish 7
Jesse James, as in the "Outlaw", wild west, ect... or Jesse James, Sandra Bullocks husband, from the car show Monster Garage, on Discovery channels TLC. Oh, and I also met a guy once who had the name Jesse James, and my boyfriend Jesse is named after Jesse James too, but his middle name is Ryan. Hope that's helpful!
2007-03-16 15:48:50
answer #2
answered by Jackie724 2
Jesse is Jesse James, named by his mother after his deceased great uncle Jesse James the outlaw. Currently married to Sandra Bullock who also prefers to stay out of the limelight. I am sure she is attracted to his shy personality as well as his being somewhat of a homebody. Jesse's prior marriage (#2) was short lived only about a year to an ex-stripper. She accused him of physical abuse but it reality it was she that inflicted the injuries. Jesse's first wife gave him 2 adorable tow-headed children, both she and Jesse continue to share duties in taking them to school and picking them up. She was instrumental in helping Jesse start West Coast Choppers. In the 90's Jesse started the bike shop producing only fenders for choppers until it grew into what it is today. Since the beginning, from a humble shy and quiet sort of guy...Jesse has under gone some personality changes and is no longer as humble as he once was and certainly not as shy but still is quiet and still crazy for speed.
2007-03-16 16:34:27
answer #3
answered by Cher 4
If you are talking about the famous outlaw, you can type that into any search engine and find all of that information. But the Jesse James that I am familiar with is a famous bike builder that has a shop called West Coast Chopper, and yes he is married to Saundra Bullock but he had his own fame before he married her. Here is a little piece of useless information: Saundra Bullock was not his first wife. If you want to know more about Jesse James the bike builder here is a website that I found: If you want to know about the famous outlaw, there are many websites on him. Sorry I don't have that information.
2007-03-16 16:00:31
answer #4
answered by msdevilish666 1
Jesse James is the guy from monster garage and owns West Coast Choppers in Long Beach, CA.
2007-03-16 16:05:26
answer #5
answered by Loli M 5
he customizes motorcycles on the discovery channel and he married sandra bullock and is the decendent of the original jesse james also hosted and ran monster garage
2007-03-16 15:48:29
answer #6
answered by Crystal B 4
Sandra Bullock's husband
2007-03-16 15:44:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
here is a picture of him --
2007-03-16 17:03:50
answer #8
answered by starlight_shadowz 2