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Okay. Here's the thing. I really want to know. How in the name of the good lord to make a video for youtube? Some of the existing youtube users make videos that consist of a few short video clips all joined up to form one GREAT video! But all I seem capable of doing is making what appears to be a picture slideshow with Windows Movie Maker!! I'm so frustrated! How do you crop an existing video to put on YouTube?

2007-03-15 20:52:47 · 1 answers · asked by Helen 4 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

1 answers

NAH easy question...okay, actually they can create a great short video clips, because some of them are downloading it, some of them buying it or some of them installing it, i know a great site were you can download some video clips, not only video clips, music, pictures, programs, clips, music videos and many more try www.limewire.com, we have limewire in our computer so i created so many many slideshow together with video clips, not that i uploaded six music video too in youtube, well just download limewire and you can upload it in youtube...anyways, there are some good sites too, but maybe some of them are capturing or recording it live...but you can import video clips thru movie makers too, do you know how, well maybe the thing is that you can't put any video clips is that you don't have any clips on your computer or it's not compatible for youtube...well that's all i know, hope i helped you

2007-03-15 21:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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