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This film produced in 1997, took place in 23rd century yet uses lousy weapons. Their are normal assault rifles, like m16s. But 23rd century, got technology to built starwars type of ships yet no starwars laser weapons.Somemore fight face to face.Give me your comments on how to improve the movie if there were to be a remake a few years later.

2007-03-15 20:50:57 · 11 answers · asked by youngfellow 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

11 answers

there was a remake a few years later. it was so horrible i could only watch ten minutes before i ended it.

as for my comments on the movie i liked the news reports and the scenario. the acting was ometimes rough and your right about the guns but the blood and gore made me forget about the shitty gunz. and it showed ******* which is always a plus. and having dookie houser MD in there was pretty funny. all in all its a B movie.

the only good bug is a dead bug.

2007-03-15 20:58:11 · answer #1 · answered by Carcin Ogin 2 · 0 0

Troopers was so bad for me that the only part I enjoyed was watching Carmen pilot the ship. The sequel was a dog...but i found more interesting things in the sequel than I did the first movie.
If you really want to know how to improve the first movie for a remake...read the first chapter of 'Starship Toopers' by Robert Heinlein. You will see what some of us thought missing in the first movie...and just how much better the movie can be.
Personally I enjoyed the series "Roughnecks: Starship troopers Chronicles" a 36 episode series based on the movie as well as the book. It is a CGI series and if you are into computer generated animations with tight stories...good action and probably the most realistic characters of animation of its type...then Razak's Roughnecks is for you. This is the closest you will come to what Starship Troopers is supposed to be.
All 36 episodes are out on DVD.
One of my fav tv series of all time.

there is Starship Troopers (宇宙の戦士, Uchū no senshi?) (lit. Soldiers of Space or Space Soldiers, although Starship Troopers is widely accepted) is an anime OVA by Sunrise, based on the book Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein.

# Plotwise, this Anime OVA from Japan is considered the most accurate adaptation of Robert A. Heinlein's novel, despite the fact that many liberties were taken with characters and events. For instance, Rico, a Filipino in the novel, is a blonde caucasian in the OVA.

go figure...

2007-03-16 07:40:39 · answer #2 · answered by Zholla 7 · 0 0

The first version was a real thrill ride with giant creatures. They made it a hopeless ground war to emphasize the thrill factor but yes why not huge weapons. In that sense the bugs had meteors sent into the air and probably should have won. Another edge of your seat factor. The sequels were just awful though.

2007-03-16 04:31:33 · answer #3 · answered by zeroartmac 7 · 0 0

That movie was CRAP. If they were to do a remake, the film makers could make a worse movie than the original. The only place they can go is up.

2007-03-16 07:39:08 · answer #4 · answered by Merrick 4 · 0 0

The movie is very entertaining and enjoyable to watch, esp the thousands of bugs attacking the soldiers. But as u have say, with such high tech equipments and space crafts, their weapons are so primitive, imagine modern day soldiers carry sticks or swords to fight another countries enemy armed with tanks, aircrafts, artillery and machine guns. It just doesn't match.

2007-03-16 06:22:28 · answer #5 · answered by firefly 5 · 0 0

I love the movie. But then I love Robert Heinlein who wrote the novel the movie is based on.

The film is campy, but intentionally so. The film also manages to incorporate some pretty heavy themes yet still be silly and fun. It doesn't need to be remade.

2007-03-16 08:44:25 · answer #6 · answered by Rachel B 5 · 1 0

i thought the first starship troopers was a great movie.
the acting kinda sucked a bit, however the story was good.
and the writers managed to put in humor in the story which made me laugh. eg the news scenes and other stuff.
the movie was just so original which made it great.
what other movie comes even close to this plot?

they came out with a starshop troopers 2, but i just couldn't bear watching it. it was just crap. the story was predictable, the acting even worse, and the movie progressed on too slow.

2007-03-16 04:03:37 · answer #7 · answered by briank1458 4 · 0 0

No need to remake the movie, its a cult favorite. Now the supposed sequal that was direct to dvd would be warranted for a remake. That movie was horrible.

2007-03-16 03:54:23 · answer #8 · answered by Charlie L 2 · 0 0

unnecessary nudity, and poor acting. They had to show boobies to distract us for a second so we'd forget about how crap the movie was.

2007-03-16 03:53:20 · answer #9 · answered by ~♥~mama-to-be~♥~ 4 · 0 1

maybe if the bugs were more humanised you know they could talk or something more than just bigger versions of what we have.

2007-03-16 03:56:28 · answer #10 · answered by babeluv 3 · 0 0

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