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Could someone give me a better summary about the movie Babel? I didnt get to finish watching that movie lol

2007-03-15 17:41:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

3 answers

The 3 different stories around the globe are actually inter-related. The Japanese businessman gave the rifle to the guy in Morocco, who sold it to the man with the two boys tending goats. They fooled around with the rifle and shot at the tour bus with the couple on vacation, while their two little kids were taken to Mexico by their illegal-alien caretaker who didn't want to miss her son's wedding.

She wanted to return with the kids before they had soccer practice the next day, but the guy driving was drunk, and they were stopped at the border. He got stupid and gunned the car to get away, then dropped the woman and the two little kids off in the desert to fend for themselves. She got arrested, the kids were found, the woman shot was finally airlifted to a hospital and lived, and the Japanese businessman's deaf teenage daughter stripped naked to try to lose her virginity to the cop investigating his rifle incident that ended up in national news as a possible terrorist act, but it was just the boy tending goats. He turned himself in, but his brother got shot.

2007-03-15 17:55:23 · answer #1 · answered by Terisu 7 · 0 0

ooh my!! is not a boring movie!
It's about troubles around the globe, about people of different races how seem to be touch by that, their differences..

2007-03-16 00:49:15 · answer #2 · answered by rs 2 · 0 0

it is actually a boring movie!
sorry! ^_^

2007-03-16 00:47:10 · answer #3 · answered by ☆SpiMan☆ 3 · 0 0

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