See the bookmark below. Megaera was one of the three Erinyes, the Furies. Born of the blood of the castrated Uranus.
MACARIA (Makaria) The goddess of a blessed death or afterlife.
MACHAE (Makhai) The personifications of battles and combats.
MACRIS (Makris) A rustic nymph of the island of Euboea, who nursed the infant god Dionysus.
MACROCEPHALI (Makrokephaloi) A fabulous tribe of African men with long heads.
MAEANDER (Maiandros) A river of Caria and its god.
MAERA (Maira) A star-nymph daughter of the Titan Atlas, and wife of the Arcadian King Tegeates. She was the goddess of the scorching dog-star Sirios.
MAIA A Pleiad star-nymph of Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. She was the mother of the god Hermes by Zeus.
MANAIE (Maniai) The female personification of madness and crazed frenzy.
MANTICORE (Mantikhoras) A creature of Persia with the body of a lion, the face of a man, and a spiked tail.
MARON One of the drunken old Silen gods. He was the charioteer of the god Dionysus.
MARSYAS A flute-playing satyr who challenged Apollo to a musical contest. The god won and flailed the satyr alive as punishment.
MATTON The daemon of baking and the kneeding of bread.
MEDUSA (Medousa) A serpent-haired Gorgon who was slain by the hero Perseus. When she was beheaded her two children by Poseidon were born from her bloody neck.
MEGAERA (Megaira) One of the three Erinyes.
MELAENA (Melaine) A Naiad nymph of Mount Parnassus loved by the god Apollo.
MELANIPPE A prophetic nymph daughter of the centaur Chiron. She was transformed into a mare as punishment for revealing the secrets of the gods.
MELIA (1) The Oceanid nymph wife of the Argive river-god Inachus.
MELIA (2) The Oceanid nymph of the sacred Ismenian spring of Thebes. She was loved by the god Apollo.
MELIA (3) The nymph mother of the Pelopennesian centaurs by the god Silenus.
MELIA (4) A nymph of Bithynia loved by the god Poseidon.
MELIA (5) A Bithynian nymph loved by the god Silenus.
MELIA (6) A nymph of the island of Ceos loved by Apollo.
MELIADES Dryad-nymphs of fruit-trees and orchards.
MELIAE (Meliai) Nymphs of ash-trees and honey bees. They were born born from the blood of the castrated sky-god Uranus along with the Giants and Curetes. The Melaie were the wives of the Silver Race of Man, and so the ancestresses of mankind.
MELIBOEA (1) (Meliboia) The Oceanid nymph wife of the first Arcadian king Pelasgus.
MELIBOEA (2) (Meliboia) An Oceanid nymph of Syria loved by the river Orontes.
MELICERTES (Melikertes) A boy transformed into a sea-god, after his mother Ino leapt with him into the sea.
MELINOE A spectral underworld goddess who haunted the night with her train of ghosts.
MELISSAE (Melissai) Nymphs of honey bees.
MELISSEUS The old Curete god of honey and honey-mead. His two daughters, Ida and Adrasteia, were nurses of the god Zeus.
MELITE (1) A Naiad nymph of the island of the Phaeacians. She was seduced by Heracles.
MELITE (2) A Naiad nymph daughter of the river Erasinus who, with her sisters, was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.
MELPOMENE The Muse of tragedy.
MEMPHIS A Naiad nymph daughter of the River Nile. She was the wife of the very first Egyptian king Epaphus, who named his capital after her.
MENAE (Menai) The goddess nymphs of the fifty lunar months of the four-year Olympiad. They were daughters of Selene the Moon.
MENIPPE A Naiad nymph daughter of the river Peneius.
MENOETES (Menoites) A daemon of the underworld, he was the herdsman of the cattle of Hades.
MENOETIUS (Menoitios) The Titan god of rash anger. He was blasted into Erebus with a thunderbolt by Zeus.
MEROPE One of the Pleiad star-nymphs, the wife of the impious Corinthian King Sisyphos. Blushing in shame for her husband's crimes, her star shone only faintly.
MESSEIS The Naiad nymph of an Argive spring, a daughter of the River Inachus.
MESSEMBRIA The sixth of the twelve Horai (Hours), she was the goddess of the hour of noon.
METHE The goddess nymph of drunkenness. She was a companion of Dionysus.
METHONE The nymph wife of the first Pierian King Pierus.
METIS (1) The Titan goddess of good counsel. She was an adviser to Zeus in the Titan War, but when it was prophesied that she would bear a son greater than his father, the god put her away inside his belly. Their daughter Athena was born from the cracked skull of the god.
METIS (2) A Naiad nymph of the Lydian river Meles. According to legend, she was the mother of the poet Homer.
METOPE The Naiad nymph wife of the Argive river-god Asopus.
MIDEIA A nymph of the Boeotian town of Aspledon loved by the god Poseidon.
MIMAS One of the Gigantes who slain in the giant-war by Hephaestus with barage of red-hot metal.
MINOS A lawmaking King of Crete who was appointed a judge of the dead in the underworld.
MINOTAUR (Minotauros) A bull-headed monster monster of Crete who was locked away in the labyrinth by King Minos. He was fed a diet of sacrificial youths and maidens until slain by the hero Theseus.
MINTHA (Minthe) A Naiad nymph daughter of the underworld river-god Cocytus. She was transformed into a mint plant by Persephone when her affair with the god Hades was discovered.
MISA A primeval goddess of the Orphic mysteries.
MNEMOSYNE The Titan goddess of memory, words and language. She bore Zeus the nine goddess Muses after spending a night lengthened ninefold in the arms of the god.
MOIRA A Naiad nymph daughter of the river Erasinus who, with her sisters, was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.
MOIRAE (Moirai) The three goddesses of fate who spun and cut the thread of human life.
MOMUS (Momos) The male personfication of mockery. He was thrown out of heaven by Zeus for his scarping criticisms of the gods.
MONOCERATA (Monokerata) A breed of magical one-horned horses (unicorns) native to India.
MOREA The Hamadryad nymph of the mulberry bush.
MORIA A Lydian nymph whose brother Tylos was slain by a dragon. She discovered a herb which restored the boy to life.
MORMOLYCEIA (Mormolykeia) Vampiric ghostly women.
MORPHEUS A god of prophetic dreams who appeared in the sleep of kings as a human shaped phantasm. His two brothers, Icelus and Phantasus, assumed the forms respectively of animals and inanimate objects.
MORUS (Morus) The male personification of the doom.
MUSES (1) (Mousai) The nine goddesses of music, song and dance, who inspired poets.
MUSES (2) (Mousai) The three Titan Muses. The foremost of these was Mneme, mother of the younger nine.
MUSES (3) Mousai) The three Delphic Muses, daughters of the god Apollo.
MUSICA (Mousika) The third of the twelve Horai (Hours), she was the goddess of the morning hour of music.
MYCENE (Mykene) A Naiad nymph daughter of the river Inachus after whom the city of Mycenae was named.
MYLINUS (Mylinos) A giant of the island of Crete vanquished by Zeus.
MYRMECES INDIAN (Myrmekes Indikoi) Gigantic ants which guarded the gold fields of the Indian desert.
MYRTOESSA A Naiad nymph of the Arcadian town of Megalopolis.
MYSIAN NAIADES (Naiades Mysiai) Naiad Nymphs of a spring in Mysia who kidnapped the boy Hylas, a handsome young companion of Heracles.
MYSTIS The rustic nymph of the Dionysian Mysteries. She was a nurse of the god on the island of Euboea.
Theoi Project Copyright © 2000 - 2007, Aaron Atsma
ECECHERIA (Ekekheria) The female personification of truce.
ECHIDNA (1) (Ekhidna) A deadly she-dragon with the upper body of a beautiful nymph, and the tail of a serpent in place of legs. The immortal Echidna married the hundred-headed giant Typhon and spawned a brood of terrible monsters.
ECHIDNA (2) (Ekhidna) An Arcadian she-dragon slain by the hero Argos Panoptes.
ECHIDNADES (Ekhidnades) A giant ally of the Titanes slain by the god Ares. He had serpents for legs and spat deadly poison.
ECHO (Ekho) An oread of Mt Helicon and attendant of Hera. She distracted Hera with her endless chatter so that Zeus was free to pursue his affairs with women and nymphs. Hera caught on to the ruse took her voice away leaving her only to repeat the words of others. She loved and was spurned by Narcissus and faded away till only her voice was left.
EIDOTHEA (1) A sea-nymph daughter of the seal-god Proteus who helped Menelaus capture her prophetic father.
EIDOTHEA (2) A nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis who was loved by the god Poseidon.
EIDYIA The Oceanid nymph wife of King Aeetes of Colchis.
EILEITHYIA The goddess of childbirth.
EIRENE The goddess of peace and spring.
ELAPHOI CHRYSOCEROI (Elaphoi Khrysokeroi) The five sacred golden-horned deer of Artemis, also known as the Golden Hinds. Four of these drew the chariot of the goddess and fifth which roamed free, Heracles was set to fetch as his third labour.
ELATREUS One of the one-eyed, metal-working giants known as Cyclopes.
ELECTRA (1) (Elektra) The Oceanid of amber-light. She was married to the wondrous sea-god Thaumas and bore him four daughters, Iris the rainbow, and the whirlwind Harpies.
ELECTRA (2) (Elektra) One of the Pleiad Nymphs who was loved by Zeus and bore him Dardanos, ancestor of the Kings of Troy.
ELEIONOMAE (Eleionomai) Naiad-nymphs of marshes.
ELETE The eighth of the twelve Horai (Hours), she was the goddess of one of the hourso f afternoon.
ELEUS (Eleos) The female personification of mercy.
ELEUSIS The eponymous nymph of Eleusis, wife of the town's first king. She was an attendant of Demeter.
ELPIS The female personification of hope. She was the only spirit to remain within Pandora's box.
EMPUSA (Empousa) An underworld daemon with flaming hair and mismatched legs: one that of an ***, the other made of brass. She terrorized men at night.
ENCELADUS (Enkelados) One of the Gigantes who was crushed by Athena beneath the island of Sicily during the giant-war. His restless turnings caused Mount Etna to spit fire.
ENDEIS A nymph daughter of the centaur Chiron. She was the mother of the Phthian king Peleus.
ENDYMION A shepherd boy loved by the moon-goddess Selene. He was granted eternal youth and immortality but in a state of unbroken sleep.
ENYALIUS (Enyalios) A minor god of war and son of Ares.
ENYO (1) The goddess of war, a battlefield companion of Ares.
ENYO (2) One of the Graeae.
EOS The Titan goddess of the dawn. She was cursed by Aphrodite with an insatiable appetite for men, loving one after another - Cephalus, Tithonus, Phaethon, Orion.
EOSPHORUS (Eosphoros) The god of the morning star who heralded the arrival of dawn.
EPHIALTES (1) A Gigante slain by Apollo and Heracles in the giant war who shot him through the eyes with arrows.
EPHIALTES (2) A gigantic son of Poseidon, who with his brother Otus tried to storm the heavens by piling the mountains one upon the other. The pair were slain by Apollon and Artemis.
EPHYRA The eponymous Oceanid nymph of the town of Ephyra (Corinth).
EPIALES The underworld daemon of nightmares.
EPIDOTE The Daemon of ritual purification. She was an attendant of Apollo at Delphi who turned aside the wrath of the furies.
EPIMELIDES Rustic nymphs of sheep flocks and apple orchards.
EPIMETHEUS The Titan-god of afterthought. He foolishly accepted the first woman, Pandora, from the angry gods along with her box of evils, which were released to plague mankind.
EPIONE The goddess of soothing. She was the wife of the medicine-god Asclepius.
EPIPHRON The personification of shrewdness and care.
ERASINUS (Erasinos) A river of Argos and its god.
ERATO (1) The Muse of lyric love poetry.
ERATO (2) An Arcadian Dryad nymph. She was a prophetess of the god Pan and wife of King Arcas.
EREBUS (Erebos) The Protogenos (primeval god) of the darkness of night and the netherworld. He was the father of Light and Day by the goddess Night.
ERIDANUS (Eridanos) A river of northern Europe or Italy and its god.
ERINYES The three serpent-haired goddesses of vengeance and due punishment. They were born of the blood of the castrated sky-god Uranus.
ERIS The goddess of strife who haunted the battlefield. She indirectly caused the Trojan War by throwing the golden apple "to the fairest" amongst the goddesses.
ERITES The personifications of strife. The good Eris was personification of competitive rivalry and the bad Eris of discord.
EROS (1) The protogenos (primeval deity) of sexual desire and procreation. He was one of the first beings to emerge at the creation of the universe.
EROS (2) The winged child god of love who struck down men with his love-tipped arrows.
EROTES The winged, child-like gods of love.
ERSA (Herse) The goddess of the dew.
ERYMANTHIAN BOAR (Hus Erymanthios) The giant boar which Heracles was sent to fetch as one of his twelve labours.
EUBOEA (1) (Euboia) A Naiad daughter of the river Asopus carried off by Poseidon to the island of Euboea.
EUBOEA (2) (Euboia) A Naiad daughter of the river Asterion. With her sisters Acraea and Prosymna she was nurse to the child Hera.
EUBOLUS (Euboulos) The demi-god of ploughed earth, a deity of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
EUCLEIA (Eukleia) The goddess of good repute. She was a goddess of young brides.
EUDAEMONIA (Eudaimonia) The goddess of happiness, prosperity and opulence. She was one of the Charites and an attendant of Aphrodite.
EUDORA One of the starry Hyades.
EUNOMIA The goddess of good order and spring pastures. She was one of the three Horae (Seasons) and an attendant of the goddess Aphrodite.
EUNOSTOS (Eunostus) The goddess of flour mills.
EUPHEME (1) The goddess nymph of eloquence. She was the nurse of the nine Muses and love of the god Pan
EUPHEME (2) The personification of eloquence, one of the Charis daughters of Hephaestus.
EUPHRATES The god of the Assyrian River Euphrates.
EUPHROSYNE The goddess of mirth and merriment, one of the three Charites.
EUPORIA The goddess of agricultural abundance, she was one of the three Horai (Seasons).
EUROPA An Oceanid who gave her name to the continent of Europe.
EUROTAS A river in Laconia and its god. He was the first King of Sparta.
EURUS (Euros) The god of the East Wind (or more specifically the South-East Wind).
EURYALE One of the two immortal Gorgons.
EURYALUS (Euryalos) One of the one-eyed, metal-working Cyclopes.
EURYBIA The ancient goddess of power over the sea. She was the wife of the star Titan Krios.
EURYMEDON One of the Cabeiri gods.
EURYNOME (1) The Titan goddess of flowery pastures. She was the mother of the Charites (Graces) by Zeus.
EURYNOME (2) A Queen of the Titanes. She and her husband Ophion were deposed by Kronos and Rhea and cast from heaven into the ocean-stream.
EURYNOMUS (Eurynomos) A blue-black skinned demon of the underworld who ate away the flesh of the dead.
EURYTION (1) A Thessalian centaur who attempted to abduct the bride of the Lapith King Peirithous on her wedding day. Most of the centaurs were slain in the battle which ensued.
EURYTION (2) A Peloponnesian centaur who tried to marry Mnesimache, a princess of Olenus, through the threat of force. Heracles came to her aid and slew the man-horse.
EURYTUS (Eurytos) A Gigante who was slain by Dionysus in the giant-war.
EUSEBIA The female personification of piety and filial respect. Her husband was Nomus, the god of law.
EUTERPE The Muse of lyric poetry.
EUTHEMIA A nymph of the island of Cos who was struck down by the arrows of Artemis, when she refused to honour the goddess.
EUTHENIA The goddess of prosperity. She was one of the Charis daughters of Hephaestus.
EUTYCHIA The goddess of good fortune.
EVADNE (Euadne) A naiad daughter of the river Strymon married to Argus king of Argos.
EVENUS (Euenos) A river of Aetolia and its god.
FATES (Moirai) The three goddesses of fate.
FURIES (Erinyes) The three serpent-haired goddesses of vengeance.
For other Greek names beginning with F look under Ph (eg Phaethon for Faethon, Phorcys for Forcus)
GAAEUS (Gaaeus) One of the fish-tailed sea gods, a herder of fish.
GAEA (Gaia) The Protogenos (primeval goddess) of the earth, mother of gods and men. She instigated the overthrow of her husband Uranus and son Cronus as king of the cosmos but later failed in her attempts to remove Zeus.
GALATEA (Galateia) One of the fifty sea-goddess Nereids. She was wooed by the Cyclops Polyphemus.
GALENE The Nereid goddess of calm seas.
GANYMEDES (A beautiful prince of Troy who was abducted to Olympus by Zeus and made the cup-bearer of the gods.
GEGENEES A tribe of six-armed Mysian giants encountered and slain by the Argonauts.
GELUS (Gelos) The god of laughter.
GERAS The male personifaction of old age.
GERYON A three-bodied man who dwelt at the western ends of the earth. He was slain by Heracles who was sent to fetch the giant's cattle as his tenth labour.
GIGANTES (1) The races of Giants included beings such as the Heca-Gigantes, the Aloedae, Typhon, Antaeus, Charybdis, Orion, Tityus, the Cyclopes, Hecatoncheires and many others.
GIGANTES (2), HECA- (Heka-Gigantes) A hundred Gigantes born of Tartaros and Gaea. Incited by their mother they made war on the Olympian gods but were slaughtered in the ensuing battle.
GLAUCIA (Glaukia) A Naiad daughter of the river Scamander. She was loved by a companion of Heracles.
GLAUCUS (Glaukos) A Greek fisherman who was transformed into a fish-tailed sea god after tasting a magical herb.
GORGO The primal Gorgon slain by Zeus. He made his aegis shield from her skin.
GORGONS (Gorgones) Three monstrous winged she-Daemones with snakes for hair, broad noses, wide eyes, protruding tusks and lolling tongues. They had claws of bronze and golden wings and a deadly gaze that could turn man or beast to stone.
GORGYRA A nymph of the underworld. She was the wife of the river-god Acheron.
GRACES (Kharites) Goddesses of beauty, joy and happiness.
GRAEAE (Graiai) The female Daemones of the white froth of the sea. They were born grey-haired and aged with only one tooth and eye to share between them. Perseus stole these in his quest to find the land of the Gorgones.
GRATION A Gigante who was slain by the goddess Artemis in the giant-war.
GRENICUS (Grenikos) A river of Troy and its god.
GRIFFINS (Grypes) Creatures with the foreparts of an eagle and the rear of a horse.
GYES One of the three hundred-handed, fifty-headed Hecatoncheires.
GYGE (Gygaie) A lake of Lydia and its god.
GYMNASTICA (Gymnastika) The fourth of the twelve Horai (Hours), she was the goddess of the morning hour of gymnastics.
Theoi Project Copyright © 2000 - 2007, Aaron Atsma
2007-03-16 00:09:28
answer #3
answered by neologycycles 3