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Girls are way to bitchy for me to hang out with (im a girl btw) All they do is gossip and if you get in a fight with them its like the end of your life lol. I've left school to get away from it and met some nice 18 year old girls who seem to be more mature than girls my age. I don't know what to do, It's hard cause 18 probally most 18 year olds wouldnt want to be friends with me and im not THAT pretty I have braces and guys are abit to guyish for me lol. Any girls in my situation? how are you dealing with it? Please help me...!!

2007-03-15 11:48:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

4 answers

omg, i kno how u feel. theres sooo much drama at skewl, every time i pass some one in the hall way i always hear them gossiping "girl, did u hear what she called me, she was talkin about me behind my back, imma beat her ***, and she was all up on my bf". its like ugh! i cant take it ne more. its not like they do anything about it anywayz. most of my friends r guys, some of them are a little to guyish for me 2. . .lol. they dont like the fact of me being sensative n all, but they do understand and listen. i've been trying to find a good friend for years. even the geeky ppl can b a little bitchy. . .lol ( not to b mean) i have alot of " clicks" goths, punks, preps,geeks, etc. but its too much drama for me so i just hang out w/ the guys. the world is so cruel, i guess thats y i have alot of older friends from 17-28. but even older ppl can b a bit immature. once in a while u have to let loose and act goofy. but i think they're just as fun to talk to as immature freshys and sophmores. theres always some one out there that can relate to u. you'll find a nice friend one day, just give it time. i remember this one time i met this 12 year old gurl, i thought she was nice and she wasnt too young.. but then she started talking about how cute guys were constantly. . .she wouldnt shut up. i just straight up told her. . .in a nice way of course, she stopped that habit after that. well, i hope u figure something out.

2007-03-15 12:04:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i got braces as well and yeah girls are bitchy where as guys just get it out in the open have a fight then get on with their life! so just laugh and if anyone starts bitching walk away! thats what i do although sometimes i have some extremely lonely breaks but hey - at least im not a ***** or a slag or a plastic. and hopefully im gonna go places in life! unlike them. So basically have fun and walk away from bitching!

2007-03-15 18:55:05 · answer #2 · answered by Alex 4 · 0 0

I am going through this right now.I used to be friends and they take everything serious like even a joke that is about them and they think it is mean so they take everything like an insult good thing i had a friend since like 1st grade she is the best person and she is not even snoby.Try to find a friend that cares about different thinks than all the other mean girls think about and do.

2007-03-15 19:03:36 · answer #3 · answered by Ashes! 4 · 0 0

You'll find a friend that is perfect for you, dont worry! And around those other girls, I find it is best to stand up for what is right-no joke-and to always stand your ground no matter what!!

2007-03-15 18:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by vagabond. 5 · 0 0

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