There is really too much information and much of it is just to sway your political opinion. There are so many conspiracy theorists about 911 because of the failure to answer some very good questions. These should be addressed.
Scientists can't even agree on global warming between themselves but there is definitely acid rain and there are holes in the ozone layer that causes skin cancer like never
before. Same issues need to be addressed.
The Constitution is being ignored in several ways. Even the American Bar Association says so. Is this just for our protection? Has it gone too far? Things definitely need to be looked at again by our Congress.
Usually, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Not always.
The radical opinions given usually cause our government officials to take a closer look at things. That is a good result of conflict.
2007-03-15 12:25:13
answer #1
answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7
This is the eternal question, isn't it!?! I try to decide who is right by asking myself what is their ideological slant, and what could they possibly have to gain by lying. For instance, as to 911, it would take an awful lot of people keeping their collective mouths shut to satisfy the govt. conspiracy theory. And there would be nothing in it for the govt. The risk of being found out would far overshadow the gain to them (if any!!) by pulling it off. As to global warming, there is no doubt about it. The earth has always been going through cycles of warming and cooling. 1100 years ago it was so warm the Vikings were growing strawberries in Iceland, and 15,000 years ago Chicago was under a mile of ice. The question of "truth" here is not global warming, but is human activity significantly contributing to it? The answer is no, but the people who are shouting yes have, and always have had, an ulterior motive. 25 years ago they were warning us about global cooling. Read about BOTH sides of the argument and judge for yourself!! As to "1984", yes, a govt. can control people (it's called brain washing) whether through physical coercion or through "education". But it has been proven not to be sustainable. Sooner or later people are going to ask themselves whether their treatment makes sense, or is fair. In the long run, the question of good govt. comes down to the question of whether it is efficient or not. Solzhenitsn pointed out that the Soviet labor camps were not efficient because for every one unpaid laborer there were 3 or 4 guards who were paid, and contributed absolutely nothing to the tasks at hand. If you've been paying attention, you will notice that the USSR is no longer around (although Mr. Putin seems to be trying to resurrect it). So it's a safe assumption that the truth of the matter is that no govt. can long endure that tries to control its people, as in "1984". Hope this helps. Have a nice day!!
2007-03-15 12:48:07
answer #2
answered by Pete 4
Just look at the results. The Vietnam Era anti-war group went out and protested this current stupid war before it started trying to warn the Country. But the public was fooled? The Vietnam War was lost long before it started it started.
Just look at the results!! Bush has made a terrible mess of the Country, and he is not about to stop. We just have to ride this bull until 2008, ouch!
2007-03-15 11:41:24
answer #3
answered by zclifton2 6
The truth is simple, you just need a little knowledge base and viola! Loose change was just a money making scam that took hold of those who have little or no knowledge and will not bother to get any either.
2007-03-15 11:38:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Many sources....decide for yourself.
You need to evalute the facts or the lack thereof. We have this wonderful internet. It circumvents the TV and Radio. There are facts and opinions and you can cull through them and decide.
2007-03-15 11:37:27
answer #5
answered by CHEVICK_1776 4
If you want the truth do some research and find it for yourself, don't listen to anyone else's crap. Research, learn and form your own opinions.
2007-03-15 11:38:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
that is something everyone has to figure out for themselves. i would definitely never trust anyone that works in politics no matter what side they re on.
2007-03-15 11:42:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous