Eventually you will be good friends again. Major life events like getting married, having baby, etc can make taht happen, but everyone usually catches up to eachother at some point. Try making new friends meanwhile.
2007-03-15 10:48:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The majority of friendships fade away after time and different experiences. The most difficult and rare thing is to find a friend who you have enough in common with over the years and a link between you through all of that time.
2007-03-15 10:47:26
answer #2
answered by radiancia 6
I have had a lot of friends from the past that I never see or even really care to. Life moves on. The friends that I have now are not the same ones I had when I was in school or even the same ones that I worked with at different times.
2007-03-15 10:57:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Friendship is above too plenty or an intense volume of less, it is in basic terms sharing the vibes and joys of one yet another. In friendship , why and how plenty/too plenty isn't there yet Humanity is terming each and every ingredient by 'how plenty return , why ..and so on.' people are made to view each and every individual, subject, family members as 'low-fee' you are able to observe aboutLaw of Diminishing Returns, as mentioned in Economics. It says in case you have want for water, you consume one glass, and additionally you sense satiated, yet once you're taking 2d, the delight to procure from First Glass of water would be lesser. nevertheless you persevere for 0.33 Glass, the delight would be at its low. and whilst it involves Fourth, the damaging delight, skill, heaviness of abdomen or vomits might initiate. however the Friendship is above such rules, however the concepts is conditioned by society and fogeys. The concepts consistently sees the advantages and Returns. till finally one is getting valuable resutls, the Friendship continues to be deep and bonded. yet whilst the two area is getting damaging outcomes, the concepts starts to detect that it extremely is in basic terms too plenty. so permit Friendship Fade or stop or something.
2016-10-02 04:37:51
answer #4
answered by nicholls 4
Good friends can fade away... no doubt. Me and my ex best friend were friends since kindergarden i mean we told each other EVERYTHING and helped each other with everything and we were always at each others house and wherever i was she was right there with me and we cheered together since 4th grade and 1 night she left me by myself cheering alone one night at a ballgame to be with this new cheerleader and so i called her a ***** and ever since then she hated me for it but the way i see it is if your really good friends with somebody they will always be there for you no matter what mistakes you make and it took me about a year to get over losing my best friend but now i have alot of good friends and i know they will always be there for me and she has 3
2007-03-15 10:54:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm afraid this happens. People change and like different sex relationships, sometimes they grow apart. I'd concentrate on making new friends if I were you. Was there any truth in that control thing? Maybe that's something you need to look at?
2007-03-15 10:47:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
All I can say is people suck! Yes. Good/best friends fade. But don't blame yourself its the way of life!
2007-03-15 10:51:48
answer #7
answered by woooah 3
sometimes friends just distance it's life you should try and find someone else to call your best friend. And if you are as close as you say to be to him why not tell him exactly how you feel.
2007-03-15 10:46:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have an ebb and flow in many of my relationships. People move away, we keep in contact, but not close relations, and then they come back into your life and you pick up where you left off.
2007-03-15 10:48:24
answer #9
answered by squeezy 3
Friendships as well as any human relationship can change over time. Actions and events can alter relationships. People change as we all know.
2007-03-15 10:47:19
answer #10
answered by david42 5